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Chupacabra (now a eurofighter) - NL

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Heres a little coaster that I worked on and off for several months. Its not the best thing in the world and I hate trying to name stuff. The main thing was that I tryed using the AHG, It was pretty hard, I don't fully understand how it works, so well heres the download..



(edit) I figured out how to change photo sizes to fit on here.. so here a couple of pictures.







Chupacabra Euro.nltrack

This is it as a eurofighter!

Fixed turn.

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I swaped it over to a eurofiger on my computer.. and it worked great! So I'm going to look at some photos and seeing about trying to do some correct supports for it.


rckrazy06 .. Thank you for suggesting the eurofighter, that was an amazing idea.


monkeyoverlord71 .. Thank you. i didn't like it at first, but its because my original file the midcourse slows the train down to 25 kph. and its super slow going threw the helix.

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Wow, a lot better it had that great Eurofighter feel. The only fighter qualitys that its missing is a vertical lift and those tight inversions, but nonetheless still a great ride. the banke turn going into the final helix was a bit rough thoug at the top of the turn. Great coaster though.

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Wow, a lot better it had that great Eurofighter feel. The only fighter qualitys that its missing is a vertical lift and those tight inversions, but nonetheless still a great ride. the banke turn going into the final helix was a bit rough thoug at the top of the turn. Great coaster though.


Thank you Sir. I think I fixed the turn you were refereing to and I hope that the download got fixed to that one.

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