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Weston Pier (UK) to get worlds fastest ride

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Hey all


Thought this might interest some people.

My local town of Weston-Super-Mare has proposed a 200mph dragster ride down its famous pier.


A ride that travels hundreds of miles per hour could soon be seen in Weston. A 'dragster' could be installed above the shelters that run down the centre of the Grand Pier if structural engineers give the proposals the go-ahead.


Designers hope the ride would be the fastest theme park attraction in the world, travelling up to 200mph.


It would consist of two carriages, holding one person each, and would run along a 600ft-long electric track and back again. To start with, passengers would step up onto a platform to access the ride but eventually it is hoped the entrance could be incorporated into a new pavilion design.




Looks like it will be built by Graviton who also built the go karts on the pier



For those of you who don't know. Weston is a small seaside town in the south west of the UK. Popular with the old timers and used to be a favorite beach destination for thousands although it has lost a lot of its trade in recent decades.


interestingly the arcade and amusement area at the end of the pier burnt down a few weeks ago. Although the structure remains intact and this new dragster ride is to form part of the redevelopment.




sounds interesting. but I must admit being from Weston i know that the country council is awful at projects like these. the town swimming pool/water park has been redesigned and put on hold about 20 times in the last 10 years.

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^ Yeah, I know all about that Tropicana swimmimg place. It'll have cafes and bowling alleys and cinemas and underground car parks and a better water park. But then you'd think they'd knock the old one down after at least eight years. I remember the pier burning down about a month or two after my grandparents moved away from Weston. The ride would be awesome but I really can't see it happening at Weston Super Mare of all places.

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