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When I heard there was going to be an indoor Legoland relatively close to my home (30 minutes away), I was pretty excited. Last week, I had gotten a buy one, get one coupon at a Baskin Robbins, so we headed out in the family truckster to check out the place.


Legoland is located in the Streets of Woodfield, in Schaumburg. Its directly behind the huge mall known as Woodfield.

Upon entering, you need to pay your admission. The prices are NOT cheap.

Here is the map.

Some lego models in the entrance area:

Once you pay ($55 for 2 adults, 3 kids with the buy one, get one coupons saving us $30) you "Start your Tour" in the Mini Land. This is a huge replica of downtown Chicago. Truthfully, after seeing this I was impressed and thought this place might be pretty cool. Unfortunately, this was ultimately the highlight of the whole place for me. It was extremely detailed and just fun to look at. Here are a bunch of pictures of the Mini Land.


After looking at the Mini area for about 15 minutes, you go on the "Adventure Trail". There is a hugely unenthusiastic host that explains you need to look for certain items. The trail takes less than 5 minutes to walk through. You see a few monkeys, hippos, spiders, and Indiana Jones. Here are the pictures:


After exiting the Trail, you enter the Legoland Hall of Fame, which consists of huge lifesize lego made Batman, Harry Potter, Hagrid, and Darth Vader.


Next up is the start attraction, the Dragon Ride. I was hoping it was a coaster, but it was a slow moving dark ride. No photo or video allowed on this ride.

This is how they show the Dragon Ride. From the pic, I was hoping for a coaster.

This was the loading area. Its stays on the floor moving along very slowly.

Next, you move upstairs to do the other attractions. First up was the LEGO Factory Tour. I thought it might be interesting. I was wrong.

Its one small room, with a host who shows you how things are made. They are shown on TV screens, and some stuff happens in front of you. It was about 3 minutes. We were the only ones in here at the time.

Next to the Factory Tour is the 4D movie, Spellbreaker 4D. It was a cute 12 minute movie. The 3D effects were pretty good. The 4D consisted of a dragon sneezing at you, and some bubble snow blowing in the room. This was actually a pretty well done attraction. It was enjoyable.


Upstairs, there is also a small Cafe that serves sandwiches and hot dogs. Next to the Cafe, there is a build and test area, where kids built cars and rode them down large ramps. There is also a slide soft play area similar to a Chuck E Cheese.


Overall, we were done here in just over 2 hours, and that was stretching it. There are only 4 attractions, and they just don't justify the admission price. Its more like a small kids museum, which locally charge $7 - 8 a kid.

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Speaking as a Resident of the Uk I can only dream of those prices,that family price is cheap compared to what we pay over here at the current conversion rate a trip to legoland Windsor works out at $276 I would kill for some Us Prices over here lol

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Thanks for posting this, I had seen those promotional flyers around too and thought they might have had a coaster...I'm glad I didn't drive out to Schaumburg and pay the admission to find out I was wrong (effectively wasting over $70)


This was exactly why I posted it here..hoping to save some hoping to get a credit or two some money. Glad to be of service.

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