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TR: 6/12/08 SF Great Adventure

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I was up in New York visiting my grandparents for a week or so, and after much debate, I finally convinced my parents to take us to Six Flags Great Adventure. The ride down there was great, and upon entering the park, it was exactly how i had remembered it three years ago. We arrived at 10:45 and they were still testing everything, which made no sense to me considering the park opened at 10:30. Considering most schools in the surrounding states had school, it was pretty crowded, 2 hour waits on Ka and 1 hour waits on El Toro. Luckily, I got a Flash Pass. So first we headed to El Toro, and sat in the middle. There are no words to describe ET. It is just AMAZING the airtime on those hills. We got off and since they had just opened rolling thunder, we decided to go in the front seat of the first train. It was slightly painful, and kind of forceless. Well I had a Flashpass reservation for Ka, so we had some more time to blow, so I decided to ride ET again. This time, we sat in the back because there was no wait. I thought the middle was great, but the back was 10X better. It really wasn't that rough, but it was just extremely forceful. I was being pulled and pushed the whole ride. I got a ton of airtime at the top of the hills and I got slammed into the seat at the bottom. And plus I managed not to get stapled into ET. Honestly, ET is probably the best roller coaster I've ever ridden. Just wow. Well it was time to go ride Ka. Since I had heard that the front is the best, we decided to wait for the front. Well we waited 20 minutes and were next up, and some idiot had brought their hat on the ride, and it managed to get stuck on the launch track, so they shut the ride down and it took them 25 minutes to retrieve a hat off the launch track. Let me mention my dad is very strict, and we had until 2:45 to ride everything. Well Ka in the front was worth it. Being launched at 128 mph is really breathtaking. And the 456 foot drop was fun too. But aside from that, it wasn't anything special, although my younger brother loved it. Well, he was dying to ride The Dark Knight, and even though I've heard it is horrible, I wanted the credit so I tried it. All I have to say is that it is probably one of the biggest ways to waste 7 million dollars. I am glad that SFOT chose THBS rather then The Dark Knight. THBS is definitely more fun. Well we ran over to Nitro afterwards, and it was about 1:40. My brother, Tyler, wanted to ride Ka again, so we had a reservation at 2:05. We got on Nitro around 2, and it was pretty fun, but nothing breathtaking. I didn't find the helix all that forceful versus ET or Titan. We went back to Ka and got on the first train we could. It was nothing special. Although I wanted to end with ET again, Tyler wanted to ride Medusa, so we ran over there and finished right at 2:44. Overall it was a great day, and aside from somebody riding Ka with their hat, it was a great experience. Oh yeah, I also forgot, I witnessed the power of the locker nazis. On El Toro, a woman had a backpack, and she had been waiting for 45 minutes in line, and they kicked her off the ride and made her go back to the front. It took more time to kick her off the ride then for her to put her bag down on the other side. Oh well. Well in 4 hours on a semi-crowded day heres the ride count.








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Sounds like it was much more crowded than I would have expected since it seems kind of late in the year for school trips.


I agree about the lockers, it slows down loading because people leave shoes on the side, then the ops ask everyone who left their shoes, then the people have to get out of the train to get their shoes, put them on and then the restraints have to be rechecked. Funny how Dorney allows loose articles and their coasters rarely stack yet with the lockers, I saw stacking and double stacking (though I have to get them credit for running 3 trains) on multiple coasters during my last 2 trips.

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Sounds like it was much more crowded than I would have expected since it seems kind of late in the year for school trips.


I agree about the lockers, it slows down loading because people leave shoes on the side, then the ops ask everyone who left their shoes, then the people have to get out of the train to get their shoes, put them on and then the restraints have to be rechecked. Funny how Dorney allows loose articles and their coasters rarely stack yet with the lockers, I saw stacking and double stacking (though I have to get them credit for running 3 trains) on multiple coasters during my last 2 trips.


A lot of schools on the east coast don't get out till mid-june so it is possible there's still a couple school trips that could be happening.


Lockers are indeed a little obnoxious, but I understand the point of them. Still really annoying though. I don't really think you should HAVE to get a locker no matter what.

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