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Six Flags Video Game

ttd rox

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I got this from CoasterFusion.com that SixFlags announced a video that thye're going to do partnered with Brash Entertainment. It will have mini games, your own custom characters, prizes, and more! I'm guessing this is leaning more on the kids side ofcourse but just thought I'd share it. Here's more info on it- http://www.businesswire.com/portal/site/google/?ndmViewId=news_view&newsId=20080605005326&newsLang=en It sounds rather boring ofcourse. It will be available on PS2, Wii, and DS.


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I'd have to agree with what Lance at Screamscape says about this game;


Somehow I get the feeling that this game was in development long before Six Flags entered the picture and they were just paid a quick buck for the use of their name on the cover.


And I think a lot of these "carnival game collection" titles have hit the Wii, DS, and PS2 already. I don't see how this one will differ aside from an endorsement. Yet another unimaginative third-party title trying to pry money from casual gamers that don't know better. I'll applaud Six Flags though if it does manage to churn a profit, but I definitely don't see this being a million seller.


Also, for a tiny bit better theme park related games. Here's two: Adventures in the Magic Kingdom for the NES and Universal Theme Park Adventure for the Gamecube.

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