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Anyone care for a video tutorial on the new SF Flash pass?

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Im polling to see if anyone would care for a tutorial on the new system, how it works, how fast you get on rides and so on.


Im heading to GA next week and me and about 3-4 other friends are splitting a gold pass. It comes out to 70 a person, which is pretty damn good because considering the price of admission alone *not online or with discounts* is 60 so to have a gold pass and admission for 70 is good imo.


So anyone would be interested in me making a video? Just wondering if its worth bringing my camera in the park, its a flip ultra so size is not an issue more so just losing it.


But if anyone is interested in seeing a video tell me. Or even if you want a video tour of the park id be happy to do that too

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I don't think you understand the pricing of the Gold Flash Pass. The initial cost of the Gold Flash Pass for one person is $71, on top of the $60 that you pay for admission. You buy the Flash Pass after you get in to the park. Now, if you have 5 people on a Flash Pass, the prices inceases to $211, so a little over $50 a person. So, for each person, admission and Gold Flash Pass would be over $110 a person.

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I'm locking this thread for two reasons: 1) People can learn more about Flash Pass on the park's Web site; 2) There's no need for a "second generation" video of the Flash Pass video (if you're a first-time Flash Pass user, you have to watch it at the park, anyway).



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