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  1. Awesome any info on when its expected to be open again?
  2. I hear its testing, anyone got more detailed info?
  3. Im hearing the parts have arrived and are being installed. Is that right Cyclone?
  4. I always buy a gold flash pass when I go to make the most out of the day since I only get to go one or twice a year. Usually its about a 10-20 min wait, and that wait is usually gone since its being depleted as I'm riding another ride =P. And this is on a weekend in the middle of the summer. One of the problems with Kingda Ka is that for such a thrill ride a 2 hour wait =/= the 20 second ride. But when you can queue yourself up for the ride when standing in the turnstile for it, then to get off the ride and wait 5 min to hop on again makes the ride much more fun. Same goes for all the rides though
  5. I was also wondering if you have any idea how long the ride will be down for. I heard 2 weeks like a week ago. I only get to Great Adventure once or twice a year and dont want to go with such a major ride not working. I was planning a trip like mid June like the 22nd so a little under a month away. Any idea if you think parts will be there and installed by then? Yesterday, all the employees got forms saying that Kingda Ka should be open in two weeks! But keep in mind, nothing is ever certain Well thats great! Thanks for the info that at least gives me a good 2 week buffer from when it should be up for any kinks. Hey even that 2 week notice could be a buffer though too. From experience usually when corporate gives info to employees about how long it will take for something to be completed they add on to the actual expected date for leeway, so when passing it on to customers any extra work is already in a time frame. Hope Im right
  6. I was also wondering if you have any idea how long the ride will be down for. I heard 2 weeks like a week ago. I only get to Great Adventure once or twice a year and dont want to go with such a major ride not working. I was planning a trip like mid June like the 22nd so a little under a month away. Any idea if you think parts will be there and installed by then?
  7. Is it true the flash pass is now Q2Q like dollywood? Ive heard yes and Ive heard no, Anybody know for sure?
  8. Im polling to see if anyone would care for a tutorial on the new system, how it works, how fast you get on rides and so on. Im heading to GA next week and me and about 3-4 other friends are splitting a gold pass. It comes out to 70 a person, which is pretty damn good because considering the price of admission alone *not online or with discounts* is 60 so to have a gold pass and admission for 70 is good imo. So anyone would be interested in me making a video? Just wondering if its worth bringing my camera in the park, its a flip ultra so size is not an issue more so just losing it. But if anyone is interested in seeing a video tell me. Or even if you want a video tour of the park id be happy to do that too
  9. hmm that kinda sounds like it could make q-bot queues longer, ill reserve kingda ka, and even though i can ride it in 2 minutes ill go to the bathroom and grab and ice-cream ect...'
  10. yea unless the next ride is like within five minutes and your standing waiting to be loaded lol.
  11. Thats what I thought, so it def is a better upgrade of the older q-bot; I cant wait.
  12. wow so the new bot automatically tells you what time "in terms of you pass of course" you would board if you reserved that ride? wow thats pretty cool kinda takes away from the suprise of seeing how long your wait will be when you scan you pass though. *edit* one question I notice from the pic above though is wth does full mean..with the new system can you only have so many reservations on a ride?
  13. Hmm this sounds better and a little bit different. Could somebody elborate more on how the new system works? Im checking the q-bot site and still see the old method of using them. So of course the old system is scanning the q-bot at the ride then getting a time to come back or ride. The new system lets you select the rides from the q-bot itself? Seems pretty nifty but if someone could go a little bit more in depth about it, it would be great. I really didnt think the old method was that bad, but this sounds like it could be easier "exp for gold passes" say we want to ride kingda ka and were at nitro. If a gold pass wait is 10 min then we have to walk all the way from Nitro to ka then scan our pass and wait 10 min. With the new system then 10 min start deducting while were walking towards our next ride. Im assuming thats what makes the new system easier huh?
  14. thank you so much thats exactly what I wanted to hear! Damn right getting the gold flash pass, every time I do I probably ride all the major coasters a minimum of 10 times. But that makes me extremely pleased that not only do you get to bypass the cue line, but vip into the show. Only question when you say reserve from anywhere in the park, is this a new feature? From what I experienced from past times using the pass you need to scan the ride and come back when its ready, does it work different now or did i misunderstand you?
  15. I plan on taking a trip up to GA within the next couple of weeks, every time I go I always buy a flash pass gold with my family or friends because I refuse to spend my whole day sitting in line for 3 rides. My question is of course the Flash Pass works with the Dark Knight, but does it affect the pre-show type events essential to the atmosphere of the ride? For normal coasters like Ka and Toro skipping the line really has no bad benefits except some nasty looks =P, but in the case of TDK does using the flash pass skip the thematics, or does it put you to the front of when the thematics start?
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