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It's difficult to do, but I've managed to do it a few times. Your train might be too long. If it is, the back car would whip over the top too fast and get the red negative G's.


The way I do it is with three nodes. I make one node as the end of the lift, and that node starts the drop. The second node is the steepest part, and the third is the bottom of the drop.


Then I just adjust those until it's smooth and the G's are good. It takes a lot of work and riding it over and over in the simulator, but you just have to work at it.


Here's an example on a coaster I made.

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The way you've got it though, it looks too steep too tight and not shaped very well. here's my idea of what it should be. It's not perfect, but you get the idea. The top is not too extreme and it gradually drops, not just right away. The part with the lowest radius should be higher up if anything. It is only at 95 degrees, so it's not too steep, either. Then you can do whatever you want with the bottom part...


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Sure, compared to Maverick. But the drop is smooth and doesn't have red G's. It works fine, though it is steeper than 95 degrees.


You might want to show some vertices so xX-Linde-Xx can get some idea of how to shape the drop.

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Sorry about posting so late I just got back from a friends. Here's a pic of the drop and the track file. I noticed that the two examples shown were much taller than my coaster is, which might be the problem but i want to keep this coaster very low to the ground so i didn't want to give it much height. Like I said before any suggestions and comments are welcome.


The Track

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So you did. Sorry. I missed it. I'll see what I can do to help, but I think you might just need to make the radius at the top a little bigger. It might be a little small to make a beyond-vertical drop, but it shouldn't be impossible.

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Huh. Can you show me how you know that? Because I put a simple vertical rule in, and it barely goes beyond it. Even the node in the steepest part of the drop isn't beyond 90 degrees.


In this image, you can see the vertical rule, which is 90 degrees, obviously. But your vertex is angled slightly under 90 degrees, though that brings the track before it beyond 90. But in this image, the vertical rule is lined up directly with the part of the drop that sticks out the most, and the rest of the drop barely goes beyond that.


I just want to know how you know it's 95 degrees. Maverick's drop seems steeper than that. I'm wondering because maybe I've been going about making my beyond-vertical drops wrong.


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