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Cedar Point lies?

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When I was at CP a couple weeks ago, they still had signs that said Dragster was the tallest and fastest coaster in the world.. Are they leaving them up on purpose or did they just forget to take them down? .. and right up by the entrance to the ride they had a major sign that said it was the fastest coaster... how is this true?.


Just wondering..., you would think that they would be under pressure by Six Flags to take the signs down.

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It happens all the time - people who arnt enthusiasts MAY NOT (not wont) follow this type of news - and therefore wont know, or maybe they just dont care untill they see a sign telling them what the ride is all about "tallest this fastest that".


Hell, Nemesis still has a sign saying it is "the worlds most intense ride experience" - it wasnt then and it isnt now!. Same with The Ultimate at LWV "The worlds longest coaster" - hahahaha, hasnt been that for years!

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I don't think CP will need to blow up KK, I think KK is doing a good job self destructing.


The evil geniuses at Intamin must be in league with Cedar Fair in a plot to bring down Six Flags - I don't why though, Six Flags seem to be doing a perfectly good job bringing themselves down.


Maybe they'll get KK on the cheap and make it a duelling coaster with TTD.


To Coasterlicious - I am going to Niagara in Sept so I was going to check Marineland out, Dragon Mountain looks like an alright terrain coaster.

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