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[NL] Breathe x-car

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Hi it was a long time I uploaded something thats because i have trained and this is the result of my training. so I hope you like as much I like.

Tell me please if theres something wrong with this track.


please comment.


here are some pictures


the file


first drop and lift



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That is because you are using 1.55, this coaster was built with 1.6, and when you try to open 1.6 coasters in 1.55 they automatically crash unless you switch the track type. (Ie. Switch it to a eurofighter and then back to the 1.55 looper) Why do you still use 1.55 anyway?

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That is because you are using 1.55, this coaster was built with 1.6, and when you try to open 1.6 coasters in 1.55 they automatically crash unless you switch the track type. (Ie. Switch it to a eurofighter and then back to the 1.55 looper) Why do you still use 1.55 anyway?


Oops. My bad. The reason I still have 1.55 is because I don't feel like buying 1.6.


Also once again, I really like your coaster jappi.

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That is because you are using 1.55, this coaster was built with 1.6, and when you try to open 1.6 coasters in 1.55 they automatically crash unless you switch the track type. (Ie. Switch it to a eurofighter and then back to the 1.55 looper) Why do you still use 1.55 anyway?


Oops. My bad. The reason I still have 1.55 is because I don't feel like buying 1.6.


Also once again, I really like your coaster jappi.


thanks alot!

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That is because you are using 1.55, this coaster was built with 1.6, and when you try to open 1.6 coasters in 1.55 they automatically crash unless you switch the track type. (Ie. Switch it to a eurofighter and then back to the 1.55 looper) Why do you still use 1.55 anyway?


Oops. My bad. The reason I still have 1.55 is because I don't feel like buying 1.6.


Also once again, I really like your coaster jappi.


Why don't you want to upgrade to 1.6? It's 15$ (It may be free if you bought it in june 2006 or later)


And anyway, I just rode the coaster and it was very nice! Aside from a little lag on my part.

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