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Photo TR: Carowinds

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Carowinds - This will be quick because we basically Cre-ho'd the park and blew out of there. Borg was the star attraction by far, rode it first thing and then our second favorite was Thunder Road which we assume was an inspiration for Shivering Timbers? I got soaked to the bone on Flying Super Saturator but still it was fun. We liked Carowinds, just didn't love it. Besides we had three-day tickets to our next park which was easily the most anticipated stop of the trip.


Next stop, Busch Gardens Europe.


The same could not be said for this one. Time to go to BGE!


Thunder Road was amazingly smooth lots of floater air.


Same, with added dramatic effect.


Top Gun, stuck.


The tranplanted scooters with spiffy paint jobs.


Actually there's no going back now, being one of the Borg rocks.


Fine, fine, fine, assimilate us.


It's just like I pictured it!

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^I was going to say, looks like you missed the best coaster in the park.



Top Gun really is the one redeeming reason to visit Carowinds, because Borg is the worst of the flying coasters (B&M and Vekoma).

I liked Borg MUCH more than any of the S:UFs I have been on(SFOGs and SFGAMs). What did you not like about it. I thought it was smooth enough and had a much better/ intense layout than SUF.

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