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I heard this on the radio today. Apprently Spitfire opens monday! they got the themeing up really fast! I can't wait to ride it!


Monday only! get a preview of the newest coaster at Crystal River Park! only at Spitfire Raceway where the races never stop!


Why does it say preview if only a few days back the CEO said it would open monday :\


I not sure if the midway looks os great but given the tight area they had it was done well.


The Q goes right under the Dive loop :)


The park does'nt say anything about opening the Grand stands to the public....maybe they will once toxicity is removed...


right near the overbank is a Huss frisbee named Burnout....looks fun :)


As we had mentioned before the ride has a race theme

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[sorry for the double :/]


I took a trip to the park today to ride Spitfire, I was there at opening and the CEO spoke about a future project, he said they had the height restrictions upped to 250ft so they have the thumbs up for a hyper. As for Spitfire, it was good if not a bit dissappointing, the line was long but moved fast. The ride had a bit a lot of airtime in the back but the front not to much. I'd give it a 6/10


and of course...the train got stuck on the block :\


my last ride was shaft dive, which unsuprisingly had a long line.


Toxicity is gone, and all that remains is some strnage erection and a bit of B&M track.


Burnout and Spitfire, and HEY! what do I (not) see in the background!


This is the real star of the update, and the line was long...of course.


Plutos line was outrageous so I skipped it :\


Timbers line looked short so after CRT I rode it once, it's relaly a good ride and has some cool near misses with the trees.


I started my day off with CRT like any normal visitor.

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