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For what it's worth, mostly because my opinions were a little curt, I've been talking with friends I went to high school with that are now in business, finance, etc. in the Wichita area, and get some scoop on where Joyland stands now. I won't lie; the place creeped me out when I was there off and on from 84 to 94, and when I drove by it this past Feb., it still creeps me out, but that's my issue, not the park's.


I havent lived in Wichita since 94, but I'm guessing the extensive vandalism is gang-related. When we moved from there, we had bullet holes in our siding and we were in a heavy residential area...


I'll see what i can dig up from the journalistic (and connected) perspective.



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Ride removal has started at the park.When I went by today they were removing the truck ride located near the tilt-a-whirl.They also had a bigger truck waiting outside.The last I heard from Robert was that they were waiting on a bankruptcy attorney for their next step.I hope this doesn't mean they found a buyer who just wants the land. I also hope that Michael and Robert still have a shot, to me they seem like the parks best chance for survival. I'll send more as soon as I find anything out.Chris

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