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Disneyland Paris questions


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As I hoping to surprise my future wife (getting maried on the first of september) with a trip to disney in paris, I was hoping to get some advice from you all.


First and foremost, what is a good number of days to spend. Would you go for two or three days, taking into account that we want to hit everything (really everything) and still take it slow, relaxed. the visit will also be in a weekend.


Second, I was hoping you could offer me your views on staying on site. there are a bunch of nice hotels nearby, which seem to be alot cheaper then the on site ones. Is there a big advantage to staying on site, or would you say this is negligable?

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OK firstly. If you want to have a relaxing time especially over the weekend period I would suggest 3 nights or perhaps even 4 if you can get one of the extra night free deals they sometimes do during different times of the year. this will give you the opportunity to take your time, perhaps go shopping in the outlets or to the sealife park near by or even perhaps a day trip into paris. As regards the hotels yes there are some nice ones of site. I guess it depends if you want to walk to the parks when you feel like it as most on-site resorts are only a few minutes walk to the parks. Secondly in the evening you have downtown Disney again walking distance from resort hotels. Also if the disney feeling is important to you when your in your hotel room, if this is important then you need a Disney hotel. You need to weigh up whats most important to you.. being close to the action and having everything at your finger tips or perhaps a better hotel for your $$$ but having to MiniBus or train ride to the parks each day... Hope that helps....

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I went to DLP last June and I spent two days. I could have used another day to see stuff I missed.


I stayed at an onsite hotel (Santa Fe) and offsite (Kyraid). Both had shuttle buses to the parks. I liked staying onsite a little better. The buses seemed nicer for the onsite hotels.

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Thanks for the info. Bases on my attempts at price calculations, the price almost doubles when I choose to stay on site, rather then at a nice hotel a small drive away.

And if there is no real difference, except for the disney feel, I might choose not to stay on site and save lots of money.

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