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Update. Various park photos.

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AnyplaceNearWater, XX, 1978


MStankow enterprises has after months of waiting revealed the very first in park photos of their new park, currently code-named Boardwalk Park. Besides the obvious boardwalk in the park, there will be several other themed areas set to the look of amusement parks of bye-gone eras. But unlike those parks of the past, Boardwalk Park will feature some of the newest technology featured today in any theme park.


The park's current CEO, Rod Marx, has pointed out some of the neat new attractions of this park.


"For one thing, we will be getting a Schwarzkopf shuttle loop coaster. One of the first, and I certainly hope that will draw a crowd."


The shuttle loop however has yet to be seen from inside the park. But the one coaster that did come through the press release was a state-of-art Arrow coaster.


"Well, this ride is pretty neat, and it is one of the longer corkscrew coasters. We could have gone for something short as most parks were doing, but after riding 'Turn of the Century', I really felt that this park should have only the best. Riding the recently opened Loch Ness Monster really supports my claims as that ride is the grade A experience you can only get with Arrow coasters."


The ride itself is said to include three inversions as well as many other elements to create a truly enjoyable experience.


The wonderful double corkscrew element.


The loop can be seen here.


The Midway from the chairlift.





If anything right now, I need a name for the coaster. I can't think of anything that would fit. I should have more screens by the end of the week as well. Midterms are this week, but I have completed half of my assignments for the week so I have plenty of free time. And I have spring break next week so progress should be pretty quick.


I chose 1978 because I often have tons of history in my parks and around 1976, steel coasters really started to become more than just mine rides. Especially when the parks would have longer tracks built like Revolution, Turn of the Century (Demon), and Loch Ness Monster.

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Great news. Rod Marx, the park's CEO, has decided to reveal new images of the recently finished Ripsaw Run log flume. While our other planned flume is going to be an Arrow Hyrdroflume, Project: Boardwalk Park is designing and building a custom designed flume ride.


"While Arrow flumes are gravity based, our ride features tiny water jets in the trench to propel the water along its track," says Rod Marx. "In the end, we hope to every few years, as new technology emerges, to add additional elements to the ride. That way the flume will always remain an entertaining experience."


Ripsaw Run belongs to the non classic park themed area of the park. This second half is more of standard Theme Park staples based around Americana. Currently, the two areas planned are "The Frontier's Edge", and "Rocky Mountain Village".


The Entrance to the ride's line.


Further through, we can see the ride's begining.


The ride's big lift with the drop seen in the corner.


The top of the lift is rather barren. That is due to current plans of the park adding a mine-train coaster in the area around 1980.


A nice arial shot of the current progress of The Frontier Edge.




I think I might have made the land of the park too big. For some reason, I decided to start my park out at 250 x 250 when it was surrounded by 3 sides of water. But I really wanted to do that center island as seen in The Frontier Edge so I got rid of one of the coasts to make room.


What I think I am going to do, is shave off the water at the north of the park, (move the hotel near the park's entrance.), and then I will a somewhat large parking lot in the southern end of the park so I can build parkinglot coasters in the future.


I have parking lots and I see no point in building them. But as a way to waste space on my current park, it will look like a small portion of the parking lot will exist for a while. Though I will probably place no detail in it so I can easily delete it in the future when the park expands there.


The Rocky Mountain Village idea popped up in my head just now as I was thinking about the rapids ride I will be placing in the park around 1981/2. I am currently thinking about the ways it will work, but as it is now, the ride may work really really well how I see it now.

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Well I got another update.


Rehearsals Begin for the Wild West Show:


-As the ever looming opening date for Project Boardwalk Park approaches, many new actors are finding their jobs at this new park. The one big show opening year that is to please everybody is the Wild West Show. From 12pm to 6 pm the show will be running every hour, entertaining guests with laughs, stunts, and gunfights. Lob Boblo is one of the many highly trained actors that will be entertaining guests.


"Well the big draw for this show is that it is more catered towards everybody. Besides the nice action bits, there will be plenty of improv and guest interaction. This show will truely blow everything else out of the water," said Boblo as he prepared for a stunt.


The state of the art amphitheater used for the show is capable of holding hundreds of guests and features a large awning over the seating and stage to ensure that no shows are canceled because of rain.


But what is most spactacular about the show is that ever night at 8pm, a different show is performed. "The Western Revue" as it is currently named is an enhanced version of the day-time show with much more experimental performances going on. It is designed to operate as a test run center for acts that may be added to the daytime performances. The night show will be more adult oriented too in presentation and feature much more improv. There will also be a charge for the night show at $15 per person.


The Show's stage.



A glimpse at the seats.


The actors practicing. For some reason the actresses had contracted big head syndrome.


Outside and over the theater.




I am spending too much time on this park. Spring Break and all my friends want to do is play WoW. Well screw WoW, I'm playing RCT3.... though I don't know why I am not bored of the game yet. I think I spent at least 10 hours yesterday playing the game.... It is very sad as I only started this park like a week or two ago. But next update looks like it is going to be the hotel.

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There isn't much to say today. Just mostly pcitures of the park's current construction progress. Though many areas not revealed yet can be seen in this update.


The entrance to the park. Due to recent events such as the oil embargo, what we hope to do with the entrance is embrace nature. So the entrance is very much more focused on nature than anything else.


Further in, the park's place is large and comfortable. Not many attractions are around here, and if they were, the chances of a bottleneck forming when the park closes is very likely.


The main station for the trolley ride. Though it doesn't look like it here, but the trams do fit perfectly through the structure.


The trolley and the arrow coaster.


An overview of the midway area. Not much has been built since the original pictures were taken. But most of the arrow coaster's layout can be seen.


Looking into the horizon, we can see the park's three coasters.


Here is the current progress of this side of the park. Lots and lots still needs to be done before opening. That whole area though should look like a classic boardwalk when done. Hence the park's codename. Project Boardwalk Park.


Current progress of the park's western section. The area is close to completion. Just two more buildings left.

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