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when i was at disneyland in line for Indiana Jones. I was leaning against the rail at the part where your in the cave wit the walls closing in, when the rail broke and my head was about to fall into a spike out of the ground. When this girl in front of me grabed my shirt and pulled me away. I have been going out with her for 3 years now.


On the middle brake pad on Medusa @ sfdk, my restraint came lose at the top and i had no idea. But then my girlfiend held it shut for the rest of the ride.

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when i was at disneyland in line for Indiana Jones. I was leaning against the rail at the part where your in the cave wit the walls closing in, when the rail broke and my head was about to fall into a spike out of the ground. When this girl in front of me grabed my shirt and pulled me away. I have been going out with her for 3 years now.


On the middle brake pad on Medusa @ sfdk, my restraint came lose at the top and i had no idea. But then my girlfiend held it shut for the rest of the ride.

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