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Well, after playing around with RCT3 I was getting ready to smash my computer after the game froze twice in the last few days for random reasons.. (and of course I never learn my lesson to save the game because it's so unstable).. I installed this old, 2D game, with tiny graphics... and..


..I suddenly realized after hours of playing that this game rocks! My 3 ghz, ATI 9800, computer doesnt even know its running, people actually FLOCK to newly opened coasters, I dont have to use the money cheat because people are actually riding rides, and it's just so much more enjoyable than RCT3. Why'd I ever get drawn to the micromanagement, flawed RCT3?


Moral of the story.. if you havent played RCT2 in awhile, put it in and play for a few hours!


Eric -- who hopes RCT4 is a more realistic looking RCT2.. I dont need to ride the rides or see N64 looking peeps

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I just picked up RCT2, and I have a few problems with it. Keep in mind, my only experience with the franchise before was the first one (no expansions), but still:


- Why does everything have to be a seperate type of coaster? You look on the list in the coaster designer, and there are way too many to choose from, when a lot of them are just decorated versions of other coasters. Did they really have to make the manta ray water coaster different from the regular one? In RCT1, you could simply toggle through different vehicle types. Why did they go and make everything an entirely different kind of coaster in this game? It's way too cluttered this way.


- I miss being able to put boosters on the corkscrew coasters. Now my recreation of the Rock 'n' Roller Coaster can't have limo trains.


Other than those (admittedly minor) complaints, I'm loving the game.

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three, its funny because i feel the exact same way. i was thinking about the booster thing today. i hate that you cant put boosters on the roller coaster any more. i liked that cas you could make it go into a tunnel then launch off to make it more realistic, or you could make it launch off at a slow speed and make it slowly accelerate faster. but oh well.


i dont know if im going to buy the rct3 because it looks exagerated. kind of cartoonish or fake. i downloaded the demo and it was frustrating because it took a long time to demolish trees. you cant just build the ride into the trees.

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