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Posts posted by Chroniq

  1. The zip file below is a new patent application that Disney recent filed for an improved Pepper's Ghost effect (haunted mansion, plus many other rides).. This gets into the extremely technical realm of how Disney creates their effects. I've got nothing to offer regarding this patent, but I'm posting it here for any engineers that might want to take a shot in figuring this out.


  2. ^An interesting thing is this patent was filled by Derek Howard. The only other patent he holds is for the "rocking cars" of the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train Coaster.. He's currently working on Shanghai Disney ride systems.


    This patent also credits a number of other people currently working on Shanghai rides. So if they decide to build this ride at Shanghai, what does everyone think the theme would be?

  3. Patent 2- Is a bit more interesting since I have no idea which ride theme Disney would implement this on..


    So it's a rollercoaster ride, that once the ride leaves the station, the seats fall backwards. The patents claims the seats could move up and down based upon the ride profile but the "articulation" is done to give a sense of speed.. Here's a photo. Cool stuff it if ever gets built.


  4. The idea of this thread is to provide an area to share the POSSIBLE future of themed entertainment. Many corporations spend millions of dollars researching ideas that may be implemented in parks tomorrow or may never even see the light of the day.


    So with that being said, here are a couple recent patent applications from Disney Imagineering.


    A little backstory first... Ed Nemeth (Principle Ride Systems Engineer for Disney Imagineering) and David Crawford (Director of Creative Advanced Development-Disney Imagineering) have been on a tear recently. In recent years Disney has patented an average of 3 ride designs in a year.. In the past 12 months they've filed 15 patents.. Disney is spending a lot on R&D these days (possibly for Shanghai Disney rides).. Anyway, here is their two most recent applications.


    Patent 1- Discusses an Omnimover based ride themed on Pirates of the Carribean. The invention is that this would be an ominmover ride with an included wave pool and drops. Think Splash Mountain with higher capacity and random waves hitting so each ride is different, with a story themed to Pirates of Carribean.


  5. ^Wes.. The thing is if you look at the past 40 patent applications by Disney, every single patent before 2009 has actually come to fruition..


    If you look at the past 40 patent applications by Apple, It's 2-4 (lot of grey area) that actually came to fruition..


    Disney only patents things they actually build. Conversely Apple, being scorned by not patenting things 20 years ago, PATENTS EVERYTHING.. Random idea on the sh*tter? Apple patents it. Disney- Six years of development and when we finally reach the end game, we file a patent.

  6. ^That's basically the (1 billion dollar) hope.. By eliminating lines or at least minimizing them in real time, guests will experience more attractions, spend a minimal amount of time in a queue, and have more time to happily spend at the gift shop because they didn't feel rushed


    Larry, the end of standby lines comes from a recent patent application (that was quickly pulled and then accidentally resubmitted twice).. So I'm just saying. It's not my idea. It's theirs.

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