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About Steffen_Dk

  • Birthday 08/02/1989

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  1. I can't believe that this is my first post in here for like forever Well, this looks promising. The layout seems interesting, and so does the landscaping. I would advise you to try out a little more variety regarding the rocks. I don't know if you are going for the "dark" look, but I'm pretty sure that a little more colour variety would do miracles; even if it's kept in grey and black.
  2. Is that entire thing the translation or is the second half speculation on your part? Not all - but some of it does not matter.
  3. New post on Facebook today: Which roughly translates into: We've been visiting Intamin which also has built Piraten. We can therefore guarantee that it'll be a HUGE coaster with unique features not seen in Denmark or Europe before.
  4. Ohh how sweet I expect that the structure on the top of the lift hill that you are talking about is the roof thing, right? If so - it is supported by the coaster's supports plus 4 extra columns from the Main Street Sets. Thank you very much Thanks to you too. I'm planning building a boat house beneath the waterfront buildings, but I'm lacking the boat... If anyone knows where to find a CS rowing boat - please tell
  5. I've never really been much into RCT2, and due to that my interest for RCT2 parks in this forum has been quite low, if not non-existing. But having said that, I have to admit that this one really has caught me. I actually can't say precisely what it is that makes me like it, but it has its charm. I'm definitely going to keep an eye on this from now on. Great job!
  6. I like it! Maybe there's too many street lights (second picture in the last update), but otherwise I have nothing to complain about. Btw. cool first drop on that coaster
  7. Not much to comment on so far, but the parking lot is in some serious need of vegetation.
  8. Thanks for the replies. Paradisecoaster - I'm hornored that you still remember me It's weekend and I've had some time to play. The fishing village has grown with a new ride and theming around it. The village's small town square Storage buildings and toilets
  9. I'm not much of a teller, and I'm rather busy when writing this; therefore you'll get the short version. This is my first park in a year or two during which I almost haven't touched RCT3, but in the last couple of days the inspiration has returned to me. So I present to you: Everland The entrance Theming around the only coaster in the park so far A small shop On the back side of the coaster, I'm working on a small fishing village Overview
  10. Wow - it has been quite some time since I last posted here... Well, I've been away from RCT3 in almost 2 years now - my inspiration was lost. But now with all those new this happening, it has slowly returned Some new I'm working on
  11. The other words are not that interesting, but it says: Ny vandrutschebane = new water roller coaster Ophejs = lift hill.
  12. Although we have not seen a news release there is confirmation that Djurs is getting a Water Coaster. Construction has started on the ride which is expected to be 27.5 meters high and 455 meters in length. This is the first time in Denmark that a park had begun construction before the end of the park season. Location - Looks like it is next to Piraten Do we see cranes? Proof of something new. New sign, check! Dirt and Cranes, Check! Land Clearing, Check! Rebar, Check!
  13. New season and a new ride And not only a new ride - it's a coaster; more specified a Schwarzkopf shuttle coaster that the park got cheap, since it has been used before. But it's still a huge improvement. An excuse for the mess that isn't there... There we have it. At the moment quite lonely, but the sign before says that the park is undergoing an expansion. I'm guessing that that means that we can expect more in this new area. Hi Lasso Larry Now the park has 1 loop! The crowds weren't that big today = short queues. Looking down from the other side. Indians have settled here too.
  14. ^Thanks New? PS. I need western cs - are there some good sets out there?
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