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Everything posted by megan

  1. That’s what meant by “headliner” not for the park specifically, but for the heavily marketed new area.
  2. As they grow they really need to think about capacity though. If they want to “compete with Disney” take note, they would never open a “headliner” that runs only one train. They are going to have to spend a little more to customize some things to accommodate larger crowds. Even an unload break run before the load station might have worked to run two trains and keep the line moving better.
  3. Filming is this month. Interesting note. The waterfall and mill run through all of craftsman valley has been off most of the season. I noticed they were adding some spotlights to the base of the millrace supports near the mini waterwheel that used to turn the barnstormer sign propeller. Some of the support woods looks new as well. Anyone know if this is just general refurb with a little extra thrown in, or something bigger?
  4. That could be fun though, revenge movie at Dollywood. “ Burning beds, Blazing Fury”!
  5. Guess you haven't seen the two NBC movies, Coat of Many Colors and Christmas of Many Colors, or A Smoky Mountain Christmas from '86. I HAVE seen those - The two on NBC were totally different in that they weren't shot in the park 4 months before they aired. Im not saying it will be bad, but I'm not expecting something EPIC with a 4 month turn around time from principle photography to airing. And best I recall, none of those were "Oscar worthy" not bad, just were what they were.
  6. Yeah, shooting in August for a December release doesn’t sound like we’re talking Oscar contender.
  7. That’s very interesting! I’ll have to remember to keep an eye out for the special to air or hopefully someone here will post. How did you find out they’re going to be filming that? I didn’t see any Xmas lights going up when I was there 2 weeks ago so it must have just started! A lot of the buildings in craftsman area are outlined already. They’re probably using that area a lot since it’s the most “Smokey mountains Dollywood” in the park. Interesting they are switching to LED ( that area still used all incandescent probably for the warm look) wonder if they need the brightness of LED to read better on camera?
  8. Just saw where Hallmark channel will start filming “Christmas at Dollywood” next month. That explains why the lights are already starting to go up when I was there last week. Thought it was WAY too early this year.
  9. Park seemed very quiet yesterday for a holiday. Really short lines later in the evening around 4 or so. Longest we waited was for food at till and harvest. Good food, disorganized operations.
  10. Unfortunately they discontinued that a couple of years ago. Not sure why as it was so nice. Especially at the water park where you could go in, do a few things but not “bake” all through the hottest part of the day. Seemed to get more bodies in the parks later in the evening eating and spending as well. Costs about the same to run an empty park as a full one, and a park full of people feeling like they got a good deal and “more than they paid for” are more apt to spend money in the real profit centers of food and Merch.
  11. Wildwood tree is nice, but WOW Indianapolis children’s museum really knocked it outbid the park with a tree with very realistic leaves, interactive climbing elements and beautiful “carvings” in the trunk. What happened to the “subtle music instruments” in the trunk at Dollywood. Honestly that centerpiece was the piece that I was least impressed by. The whole area is nice, but the centerpiece definitely could have been more.
  12. According to website, Dragonflier only thing in WWG eligible.
  13. According to website, Dragonflier only thing in WWG eligible.
  14. I was glad they didn't limit it on TimeSaver. Most of the target audience doesn't get much from TS now. This at least gives something they can use it on. And WWG gives them 3-4 rides to use it on. What 3-4 rides? You can only use it on Dragon Flyer,right?
  15. I was glad they didn't limit it on TimeSaver. Most of the target audience doesn't get much from TS now. This at least gives something they can use it on. And WWG gives them 3-4 rides to use it on. What 3-4 rides? You can only use it on Dragon Flyer,right?
  16. I agree that for a little more $$$ the definitely should have gone to customization. Even the Dollywood express train makes cracks about the long lines as they go by. An hour for a new coster is t bad, but that the most I waited for lightning rod it’s first year. Again it was just a very odd choice for an area geared to young kids especially with NOTHING in the queue to entertain. Even if they made the extended line have some activities that when the extended line isn’t needed they could open as another attraction.
  17. I agree that for a little more $$$ the definitely should have gone to customization. Even the Dollywood express train makes cracks about the long lines as they go by. An hour for a new coster is t bad, but that the most I waited for lightning rod it’s first year. Again it was just a very odd choice for an area geared to young kids especially with NOTHING in the queue to entertain. Even if they made the extended line have some activities that when the extended line isn’t needed they could open as another attraction.
  18. Wildwood grove. Looks beautiful. Dragon flyer. Horrible capacity. Park not terribly busy today. No reason a ride in an area designed mainly for parents with younger childern(who are impatient to wait) has a 50 min wait 30 min before close. There had to be a way to run two trains (themed brake run,transfer track to second load) that would make this load quicker. The ride is WAY too short to pay off for an hour wait. This will be CRAZY on really busy days.
  19. Anyone going to one of the WWG preview sessions next week?
  20. Has anyone gotten any communication on the Season Pass Early Preview for WWG? The Dollywood facebook page is filled with multiple posts from folks trying to plan time off, hotel etc etc and no one is hearing anything from the park about when this is. The projected opening date is the 11, so Im surprised they've said nothing so far. Also surprised they aren't responding to any of those posts.
  21. has anyone gotten the wildwood grove preview even email yet - Ive still not seen details - just know the "public" opening is May 10-11.
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