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Posts posted by ryder

  1. I wouldn't mind a few credits...where is the Bug House and the Dutch Wonder House located?


    I enjoy these attractions a lot as well. Whenever I visit SFGA, I find myself enjoying Houdini's Great Escape more than nearly any other ride there. I really don't know why these haven't hit more on the Western half of the US. Personally, I think one of these would go great at Knott's Berry Farm... they don't take up much space, it's very family friendly, and I think they could have fun giving it a haunted western theme of some kind.


    For many years, we did have a "mad house" style attraction on the West coast... the old ice/volcano/mummy tunnel at the end of the Studio Tram Tour at Universal Studios! That one was especially memorable to me as it was unexpected to drive into one, and because it went the entire length of the tram, seemed to stretch on forever!

  2. Why am I not surprised?


    Exactly. I wish they would just scrap the coaster and fix up what they have. Clean the park a bit and make it a little nicer looking, like it was eons ago. Make it a more user-friendly park. Like that other chain we can't mention with out being called a fanboy (including when we are not).


    While SFMM certainly has it's problems, we do have to give some credit where it's due: they actually are cleaning the park and making it nicer. Steampunk District, Metropolis, Crazanity area, Full Throttle Plaza, have all been upgraded, and they are now working on a major area of the park with WCR. That's well over half the park being upgraded.

  3. Go outside the park to eat if you can. There's multiple malls and strip malls with much better food, both restaurant and quick service/fast casual (Zanku, Presto Pasta, PizzaRev, Red Robin, Islands, Pei Wei, Pick Up Stix, Chili's... just to name a few).


    If time is an issue, the best of the worst park options could be the garlic fries/chicken strips combo (but only if you like VERY garlicly, greasy fries... but I do) just outside of Food Etc., or Food Etc. itself (although lines can get long for some counters). Full Throttle Bar is fine... not terrible, but not really great either. Haven't actually tried Chop Six near Viper, but when it first opened, I heard it was better than expected--though I totally guess no one expected much, so take that as you will. It's not original, but there is a Johnny Rockets counter service near Crazanity that has mobile ordering. Best quick snack in the park: roasted corn on the cob near Batman.

  4. There's a few sprinters, but probably not as many as there would be for SV at CP. You should be fine power walking. Do keep in mind some memberships get let into the park 10 minutes early.


    But if you're making X2 your first ride of the day, be warned very often it is not ready to open with the park. You may walk up there right at park opening and find the gates close and be told it isn't open yet. It's fairly typical for it to take an extra 30-45 minutes longer to open.

  5. As a local who lived in Hollywood nearly directly under the Hollywood sign for year and has a USH AP, I can say:


    You can also get great views of the Hollywood sign on the catwalks at Hollywood & Highland shopping complex (though you do have to pay for parking), Beachwood Ave (if you're brave enough to stand in the middle of the street--but extra bonus, you get to see the Hollywoodland Towers that are emulated in Disney's Hollywood Studios), and you can also hike above the sign. But Lake Hollywood Park has a nice view as well.


    Yes, the ET lot is the newest one, and it's the furthest out. Still better than Mickey & Friends, though.


    Flight of the Hippogrifh (FotH) does have a slightly different, and slightly superior, layout than a Vekoma Roller Skater. Not by a lot, granted, but it is better. Also, they do generally allow Single Riders--you just have to ask for it at the Express entrance.


    While I haven't been on Japan's yet, the Hollywood FJ is actually better than Orlando's. The film is superior quality (though they may have finally caught up to the 4K projection), and a lot more details and final touches have been improved--and we have a LOT more dementors.


    While it doesn't have a lot of repeat value, for a first timer, the Studio Tour truly is a must, and is essentially a one of a kind attraction. Disney tried to fake one at their Hollywood Studios for years, but you really can't fake over 100 years of real movie/TV productions and history. And it makes even things like Fast & Furious more fun, because you don't really expect such an experience in the middle of a tram tour.


    Ah, Mummy, where the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Orlando likes ours, and we like Orlando. But if you are talking from a ride pacing point of view, I do generally think ours is better... once it finally gets going, it never really lets up--and it is true that our backwards section is obviously much better. I know most in Orlando despise that "fake exit" part as it kills the ride's momentum. That said, Orlando has that crazy upwards launch into a much more significant drop, and a much better dark ride portion. All the pluses and minuses really cancel each other out on both sides. Trivia point, in Hollywood, we got what we did because the ride was constrained by the size of the old ET ride, which the coaster was shoehorned into, and they didn't want to change the exterior building walls.


    Yeah, our Springfield is a lot better. We ever heard other Orlando Springfield employees say ours was better.


    Special Effects show is good for a first time tourist. Not much repeat value to it, though. Waterworld, despite the IP, is actually a surprisingly good show with surprisingly good effects. Do definitely catch it next time, and make sure you get to see the plane (which is occasionally cut if it's too windy or it's not working).


    Snow is snow, but the light show at Hogsmeade is pretty good. Much better live than just seeing it on YouTube because many effects literally surround you, which you can't see on YouTube. Try to catch it next time, and has many showings a night, and typically has one or two unannounced early shows, to help spread out the crowds. For instance, if the first scheduled show is at 6:00pm, there's often a 5:40 showing, and if the park is really mobbed, sometimes even a 5:20 showing. Just ask team members.


    Also, no Dreamworks theater? I know it's another movie based attraction, but it is one of the better of it's kind, with a pretty cool twist about 2/3 of the way into the show.

  6. I'd appreciate the Desperado update as well. There's a lot of mixed reports, but signs seem to point to "don't get your hopes up."


    With Speed gone, really, the best two coasters in Vegas are El Loco and Canyon Blaster at Adventuredome. For an Arrow, Canyon Blaster rides surprisingly well, and is much more forceful and more intense (in a good way) than a typical Arrow. And comparatively, pretty smooth (again, comparatively).

  7. I actually enjoy Lakeside for what it is. Also love that train ride that goes all they way around the lake. The retro vibe is amazing.


    The food is pretty dismal, but not that far away is the world famous Casa Bonita... where the food is also dismal (the taco salad is your best bet, if there's a best option to be had), but the atmosphere MORE than makes up for it.


    Also, I did get around Denver on public transportation. Bus system is actually not that bad.

  8. New member here! I remember the boat ride at Luxor. Never did get to go on it, but I wanted to. Also loved Speed the Ride. And anyone remember the High Roller that used to be atop Stratosphere (that many people still mistakenly think is still there)?


    Of current attractions, while it's more of a tour, I did love Zac Braff's Haunted Museum. Even if not a believer (I'm personally not), the collection of artifacts are amazing!


    And while I obviously had low expectations, Fear: The Walking Dead attraction downtown was actually better than I thought. Too much time is spent "scanning", and the maze portion is woefully short, but the shooting portion is pretty fun. Imagine Iron Reef with desert zombies, and you get the idea. Again, go in with low expectations (and try to find a discount... it wouldn't be worth full price).

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