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Posts posted by Jew

  1. In two years of being right in guests faces, at their feet, harassing them, and all sorts of other stuff...I have yet to be hit.


    I have a theory on being hit at haunt events: 99% of the time monsters who do gvet hit are either (a) exaggerating to seem cool or (b) doing a whole hell of a lot more than just scaring to the point where they desere to get it.


    It's all about knowing when enough is enough. You might think it's funny as hell to be chasing the gang banger around (and it is), and you can tell yourself all you want that "he came to *insert Haunt attraction name here*, of course he's going to get scared," but if you don't move on when the guy is clearly getting irritated...you're getting hit.

  2. Between working at two (well, 3 if you count Haunt) theme parks and growing up on the set of the KTLA morning news...I've met so many celebs that I don't even think anything of it anymore.


    Off the top of my head I can think of:


    -Ashton Kutcher

    -Brad Pitt

    -Jim Carey

    -Jennifer Anniston

    -Gary Schandling

    -Screech, Mr. Belding, and Zack Morris

    -Little Bow Bow

    -Corey Feldman

    -Clark Kent's dad on Smallville

    -Hugh Hefner and some playboy bunnies

    -Lex Luthor on Smallville

    -Eric Karros, Chan Ho Park, and a bunch of other former Dodgers.

    -Tommy Lasorda

    -Weird Al

    -Dr J

    -Carson Palmer, Matt Lienart, Mike Williams...pretty much all the SC football players over the last 3 years

    -Mark Prior

    -Kelly Slater

    -Eric from that 70's show


    There's lots more...but I don't want to spend the rest of the night remembering ALL of them.

  3. If the Sky Tower should ever fall down, whatever it lands on will be SFMM's newest flat ride.



    Ironic thing is, there was a lead test a while back that the new leads had to take that involved that sort of thing........


    "While working at Log Jammer, you hear a loud explosion near Sky Tower and see it begin to lean toward you. What are your first actions?

    Followed by......

    Sky Tower collapses and takes out Break 3.......(still don't know where that is really, the drop maybe?)......as well as the lake. What were you able to finish before then, and what do you wish you had done?"


    It was creepy, to say the least.



    Haha...I remember that test. That and the B:TR question made me laugh so hard.



    -Joey "tried so hard to fail that test (and Spin Out's) and they wouldn't let me" Mandel

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