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Everything posted by FifthArchitect

  1. I have found most of Premier's "Spaghetti Bowl" coasters come to a quick stop, but Poltergeist at SFFT was abrupt and gave me a pretty good bruise on my first ride earlier this year.
  2. ^ I love the lifts that do the opposite, like Millenium Force and Fury, that suddenly speed up about 2/3 of the way up. It's like they're throwing you over the top.
  3. Just glanced at the webcam and happy to see a crane onsite and construction going vertical on North Star.
  4. Hulk did indeed soft open tonight! When I arrived at the park this morning, I was excited to see Hulk testing with people on board. As I arrived at the entrance however, the barricades were up and they stated that they were just starting to test with ride techs and employees, and that "Hulk would be opening sometime late summer." Imagine my surprise walking past around 7 pm to see the barricades down and "technical rehearsal" signs up! Apparently things were going well and it was a last minute decision to go ahead and open. I took a couple pictures as I rushed to get my cell phone and keys in a locker, and was very lucky to get 3 rides in before park close. My thoughts... What a great ride! I haven't ridden it before, so I can't comment on the refurb, but I though the queue theming was fantastic. They did a great job on the effects for the gamma reactor. There were a few hiccups in the queue, but overall I thought operations was doing a great job keeping things moving. There are metal detectors, but they were well staffed and didn't seem to be slowing anything down. The launch was a surprise. Given the friction wheel system, I did not expect it to be as forceful as it was. To me the initial grab seemed very similar to the magnetic launches on the Flight of Fear coasters at KI and KD, though not quite as fast at the top end. The roll off the launch is great, quick transitions, and everything was very smooth in my rides in rows 4, 7, and 8. I can't remember many other specifics as I was having too much fun enjoying myself! My only small critique is that it seems a bit slow to me through the final two elements after the MCBR, however I think it's a great ride and a nice addition (re-addition?) to a nice park.
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