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Johnlloyd last won the day on July 30 2024

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About Johnlloyd

  • Birthday 09/16/1996

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    Acton, Ontario
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  1. I sure hope so as the parts they redid with Titan track over the last few years rode great! I am wondering when the park will share an update of the Mind Eraser? A photo of the new trains would be better than nothing!
  2. Just in case you thought the colours of AlpenFury and Leviathan were the same, Canada's Wonderland recently clarified this on their social media. Source: Canada's Wonderland Facebook I do hope they begin to share more construction photos of AlpenFury soon!
  3. Quantum Accelerator is looking to be a fun addition for Six Flags New England! The park has done a great job with the updates!
  4. Yes, it is interesting to see Vekoma Boomerangs using old Arrow trains. Others include The Bat at Canada's Wonderland and Boomerang at Six Flags St Louis. One would think those coasters would be of greater priority than ones with the Vekoma trains from the 90s. Maybe we'll see it happening within the next year or so!
  5. The closest that I could think of is Waldameer in Erie, PA. It operates for only 89 days from the first Saturday in May through Labor Day. Keep in mind though that Waldameer is closed on Wednesdays throughout the season and some weekdays in late-August as schools start to go back in the area that time of year. I do imagine there are a few others in North America that have a shorter season.
  6. As of the beginning of the 2024 season, a child is no longer required to ride Taxi Jam or Snoopy's Racing Railway! Snoopy's Racing Railway is a fun launch coaster!
  7. That's great to hear Gravity Group got the contract. I am looking forward to riding Mighty Canadian Minebuster again this year!
  8. I forgot to share this here, but last week Priestly Demolition shared a video of 1,000 feet of track recently being removed on Mighty Canadian Minebuster. Retracking in recent years has not helped this roller coaster much. I do not know who is performing the retracking on Mighty Canadian Minebuster during this off-season, but I hope the process is successful and makes it more enjoyable!
  9. On Monday, the first pieces of track were installed! https://www.facebook.com/share/p/18XmE34y8R/
  10. As a regular to the park, I would suggest visiting in May or June as school is still in around here, making the park not too busy. If you cannot visit in May or June, then I would suggest visiting the middle of the week (Tuesday or Wednesday) in July or August as they tend to be the least busiest days of the week during the summer months.
  11. The supports for AlpenFury have began to rise! It will be interesting walking through International Festival once the construction has been completed and the park is open in the Spring! https://www.facebook.com/share/p/15tg578kSe/
  12. It's crazy to see how much snow they received in a short period of time. I also like seeing parks during the off-season.
  13. Waldameer received a ton of snow recently! The park posted some photos of the rides covered in the snow! https://www.facebook.com/share/p/FG1ZZ4y7Q86ZfPPn/
  14. It's been quite a while since I've shared some updates of the new for 2025 attraction, which will be announced on August 8th, 2024! Last Wednesday (July 24th) I went to Canada's Wonderland for my fifth visit of the season. Below are photos of the construction progress around Wonder Mountain, in International Festival! There are tons of footers to be seen! I can't wait for the official announcement on August 8th!
  15. This past Thursday (May 9th), I made my first visit of the 2024 season to Canada's Wonderland! A lot of changes have been made during the off-season with a new security checkpoint entrance at the front gate, the demolition of buildings in International Festival (for the next addition), renovation and renaming of Backlot Café, a renovated Wonderland Store, new signage around the park, the removal of Xtreme Skyflyer (announced earlier this year), and, Viking's Rage refurbishment, the removal of the maximum height requirement for most rides in Planet Snoopy and Kidzville (yes, I have now been on all of the roller coasters at Canada's Wonderland!), and a few other things mentioned below! Check out the photos below! New security checkpoint at the front gate. This new layout with the path going under Leviathan has a much better flow than last year's setup! The new structures look great too! New signage at the front gate area has been installed. It looks very clean and easy to read. The Wonderland Store was renovated and expanded during the off-season. New directional signage has been put up around the park. The old Tiny Tom Donuts location in International Festival was demolished during the off-season. The Multi-faith Space building and surrounding structures in International Street had also been demolished this past off-season. Tiny Tom Donuts was relocated around Wonder Mountain where the Alpen Amusements claw machines were. During my visit, the donut making machines were being installed. I assume the new location will open soon. The Coca-Cola Refreshment station in Action Zone was removed and replaced with this structure. I have a feeling it will be a new Coca-Cola refill station, but we shall see! In the Grande World Exposition of 1890, Backlot Café has been transformed into the Grande World Eatery. The building has received a fresh new coat of paint and a major transformation going on inside. I look forward to seeing the final product when it reopens this season as it was quite dated last year. Here is the former location of Xtreme Skyflyer, which was removed earlier this year. Judging by the signage, it looks this area could also be associated with the work happening around Wonder Mountain. The building next to Klockwerks, which has stood abandoned for the past decade, is now being used as a Coca-Cola refresh centre was the other location in International Festival was recently demolished. With the on-going construction in International Festival, the exit path for Thunder Run was rerouted with this nice boardwalk for this year. During the off-season Viking's Rage received a major overhaul consisting of a new electric drive system and a new coat of paint, closely resembling that of what it looked like when the park first opened! Hopefully it will be ready to reopen soon! The old diving structure at Arthur's Baye in Medieval Faire was recently removed. It is said to be replaced with a new one sometime this year. The lockers outside Wonder Mountain's Guardian have been removed. I later learned that the ride now has the moving bin system that Yukon Striker has! Here is a quick look inside the newly renovated and expanded Wonderland Store. The new layout flows a lot better! That is all the updates I have for now!
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