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Everything posted by Vince

  1. This just pisses me off. I'm hispanic, and I was having a bit of a hard time reading this and the original post. So apparently, if you look the least bit hispanic your Mexican, and we always win arguments even if we were born here or not. What irks me about the first post is when he called the girl a 'Latina Bitch'. She can't be a regular bitch, she's got to be a Latin one, too. Great job there, buddies. Line skippers suck, but I don't think it's right to put blame on their race or what they look like. Whatever, I just needed to let go of some steam. I guess I'll just stick to reading.
  2. Expedition Everest officialy open April 22, but it is open for previews.
  3. Wow, thanks alot! I see the Universal pass blows the Disney one out of the water. I'll definetly get the Universal one! Is it true thatbeing an AP, you can preview rides and such? And I dont know if this is true, but special seating in shows and stuff? Thanks alot for the help, ~Vince
  4. I am planning to get an Annual Pass for either Walt Disney World or Universal Orlando. Im not quite sure on which one to get. Can someone tell me exactly what each AP lets me do (i.e. admission to Halloween Horror Nights, Mickeys Not so scary Halloween Party, etc.)? It'll be much appreciated. Thanks in Advance, Vince
  5. I have an updated version of Adventure Land. Dead Man Isle got a new layout, and the rome attractions have been demolished for a big roller coaster. Download now! Adventure Land.SV6
  6. Sticks and stones, sticks and stones... But anyway, I havent fiddled around with scenery much. I do focus on making coasters and stuff. In Adventure Land I used all the traditional scenery, no extras.
  7. Well, this here is Adventure Land, one of the first I ever took alot of time with. All the rides in the park are original(sort of). Here are some screens and a download of the park. Tell me if anything is wrong with the download. Adventure Land.SV6 Download the park here! A little more of Marvel City and Captain America:The Ride The Entrance to Marvel City and the qeue for Iron Man: The Iron Coaster Overall Layout of the park
  8. Cool pics Erik! I noticed that they brang back the EVIL TOWER, but not the UR DOOMED! Anyway, glad you had fun. And great EE video!
  9. DarKastle is basically the twin goth brother of Spidey. DarKastle has some pretty nice themeing, but its basically the same-looking scenery throught the ride. It pretty cool, but Spidey has that more intense feeling to it. Especially that spin before the Hobgoblin scene!
  10. http://myspace.com/vinceisaweirdo Didn't see this thread, I feel stupid.
  11. I was just wondering if anyone has a MySpace, if you do, feel free to post your adress. http://myspace.com/vinceisaweirdo
  12. Well, I managed to make an EE track with RCT2, if anyone cares. I used a Vertical Drop Coaster. Screenshot
  13. It depends on the scream. If it the monotnous annoying scream-pause-same annoying scream with same pitch and al-pause-rinse and repeat. I hate those types. I also dont like people who ruin the mood of a ride.
  14. Nice, I have never been to HOS, because me being a HHN man myself. HOS seems pretty cool. I'll probaly try to go this year.
  15. Nice pictures....got any more? And the superhero is Cyclops.
  16. Really, thats good! I guess the disney peeps have been reading the boards!
  17. The Mummy opened on May 2004, so it's been there for over a year. Hm, really? I didnt know that. Thanks for the information.
  18. Well, technically speaking, I dont think it has been here for a year.
  19. Vince

    Expedition Everest

    Yeah, If it they are having sift opening in Feb, I am definetly going to hit up Expedition Everest!
  20. Basically what I was going to say. Many people are saying that the ride in JP will possibly be a mega-coaster, which I believe is total blasphemy. Takes too much space, unless it goes around JP, which will totally ruin the feeling.
  21. The Mummy has a great involving area. And I have a feeling that Expedition Everest will have one too.
  22. Well, first thing first, I dont think they are going to make another Kong. That would kinda be a 'wtf?' moment. The Mummy hasnt even been there for a year. The Kong movie was great, but they are not going to bring back something they recently demolished. They could put King Kong movie props in the Horror Make-up show, if they like. A Simpsons-themed area would be nice, but where would it go? They could take down Woody Woodpeckers Kidzone, but I highly doubt that they will do that. And I dont think that Universal has the rights to the Simpsons. What I would like the to do is to bring back that Jet Ski stunt show they use to have, or the Ghostbusters driving around USF again.
  23. Happy Birthday Robb, you 36 year-old hoot!
  24. Yes, it is true, the small, little secret at the Tower of Terror at MGM is gone, now replaced with a 'Never the same fear twice.' Wow. I cant believe they got rid of it for such a lame quote. Goodbye, you will be missed. Taken by USRoadTripper.
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