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Posts posted by OmnipotentSeal

  1. I will visiting six flags great adventure for the first time ever on July 25th (a Wednesday) but unfortunately I only can visit for the last 2-4 hours of the park being open. I am getting a platinum flash pass so I can ride every coaster (hopefully multiple times). I was wondering if someone in this discussion thread knows when they start to close the lines for the rides and which ones typically have the longest lines. Also I would appreciate any tips about the park. Thanks!

  2. This new coaster is from my obscure home park Fun-plex located in Omaha Nebraska. You Denver guys are really lucky. Aside from no paint job, the staff at Funplex maintained this coaster well. It is very smooth and the lap bar (no seatbelt) rarely touches your legs. The two drops are great.


    I do feel bad for the Lakeside employees though. They will have to push the car out of the station unless Lakeside installs some tires or something.

  3. So I was filling out my rankings, and every time I changed something I tapped the save button at the top of the page. Then I remembered a coaster I didn't have on my list, so I searched for it and clicked to add it. Then I went back to my rankings and they were the exact same as I started them. I'm not sure what the problem was, but if that's the case for someone else, it may be an issue. Hopefully it just takes time for the server to change my rankings, and everything is okay.


    Again, thank you everyone who was involved with making this project.


    *edit: update. I reloaded and everything was fixed. I didn't waste an hour of my life after all!

  4. This is a great idea! I would like to add some coaster that I've ridden but aren't in the system yet.


    - Monster (Adventureland)

    - Tornado (Adventureland)

    - dragon (Adventureland)

    - Outlaw (Adventureland)

    - Cliffhanger (Glenwood caverns)

    - Spongebob squarepants rock bottom plunge- (Nick universe)

    - Avatar airbender (Nick universe)

    - Fairly odd coaster (Nick universe)

    - this may be a stretch as it is a family coaster but Pepsi orange streak (Nick universe)

    - American thunder (SFStL)

    - Mr. Freeze reverse blast (SFStL)

    - Boss (SFStL)

    - Pandemonium (SFStL)

    - Iron shark (Galveston island historic pleasure pier)

    - Screamin eagle (SFStL)

    - Batman the ride (SFStL)

    - Ninja (SFStL)

    That's all for now! Thanks to everyone who made this poll!

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