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About Sphantom91

  • Birthday 04/25/1996

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    Rhode Island
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  1. I'm glad to hear that. I would hate to make the trip and miss it. It would be nice if they would up date the website at least.
  2. Hey all, Was possibly planning a trip to La Ronde for Fright Fest but don't want to make the trek if Le Monstre is not going to be open. The standard park website says that the ride is closed, but the Fright Fest website says it will be an available ride. Does anyone know what the truth is? Looks like above that people are saying the ride wasn't supposed to be open but was anyways? Thanks!
  3. Hi everyone! My friend and I are planning on visiting the park in early July after a day at Blackpool and flying to Gothenburg the day after Alton. Any tips for hotel stays in the Alton area/best use of public transport to get to the park? We're broke college students so the cheapest options are also welcome. Thanks in advance!
  4. Don't shoot the messenger here, but having experienced LR its opening year, this past spring and now over 4th of July weekend here, I'd say there is a noticeable difference over the first two hills of the ride. After the main drop it remains about the same intensity wise. Although the train launches at the same 47 MPH as it always has, the launch definitely shuts off a bit earlier than it used to. Earlier this season and last year the train continued to accelerate until the last car left the last stator, but now it appears to begin its deceleration when about half the train has left the last stator, holding back it's cresting speed a little.
  5. I believe I read somewhere they just adapted the mine train design. I'd love to talk to the engineer that thought it was a good idea though.
  6. B- I'm not trying to start a flame war here or anything, but I found Boulder Dash enjoyable. Everyone has their own thing, and I completely respect that. If you rode it this year, you might have a different experience. That triple up destroyed my spine.
  7. If that track is just for the pre lift, the coefficient of friction doesn't really matter for such a short amount of track to the lift. I'm sure once we see track post lift hill, the removed strip will be present. But Joker though I said such a short pre lift. Compare Joker's pre lift length to MS's.
  8. If that track is just for the pre lift, the coefficient of friction doesn't really matter for such a short amount of track to the lift. I'm sure once we see track post lift hill, the removed strip will be present.
  9. From what I've seen all those pieces of track have the I-box design so they are probably for the lift. RMC's transfer track changes shape to expose all of the wheels for easier inspection. So I think a full I-box conversion is much more likely. Not that it really matters since they both ride the same in my experience. You can kinda see it in this photo of TC along the side of the trains how the track is only on the bottom.
  10. Why? Doesn't SFMM have enough inversions as it is? In fact they hold the record for most inversions at a theme park with 36. King's Island comes in 2nd place at 25... SFMM already has 11 MORE inversions than any other park. I'd argue that they should move away from inversions, not get ANOTHER multi-looper cough...ScreamRiddler'sViperBatmanTatsu...cough. Well, by removing Viper you lose 7 of those inversions and to pay homage to the ride in some way. Was it not the fastest looping coaster in the world with the tallest loop in the world when it opened? I don't see why Six flags couldn't try to take the crown from Lewa Adventure and build something along the lines of Flash there. That provides the Inversions and the airtime. I know Mack built that not Intamin, but I was thinking more on those lines with some Skyrush style airtime. Edit* My first post was supposed to say inversion height record, oops. Who cares about the number of inversions? That's such an outdated way of thinking. I wasn't thinking about the number of inversions. Again, I think something along the lines of say Flying Aces could work there too.
  11. Why? Doesn't SFMM have enough inversions as it is? In fact they hold the record for most inversions at a theme park with 36. King's Island comes in 2nd place at 25... SFMM already has 11 MORE inversions than any other park. I'd argue that they should move away from inversions, not get ANOTHER multi-looper cough...ScreamRiddler'sViperBatmanTatsu...cough. Well, by removing Viper you lose 7 of those inversions and to pay homage to the ride in some way. Was it not the fastest looping coaster in the world with the tallest loop in the world when it opened? I don't see why Six flags couldn't try to take the crown from Lewa Adventure and build something along the lines of Flash there. That provides the Inversions and the airtime. I know Mack built that not Intamin, but I was thinking more on those lines with some Skyrush style airtime. Edit* My first post was supposed to say inversion height record, oops.
  12. If they were to remove it however, I'd much prefer another large multi-looper in its place than a dive machine. Possibly an Intamin that takes the inversion record or sets some other records like viper did.
  13. I hope they don't touch Viper either. Although I know the historical significance of the ride means relatively nothing to the park, I just hate seeing these Arrow classics go the way of the scrap pile.
  14. Have no fear, the three classic wooden coasters are not in danger of getting the iron horse treatment.
  15. Premier doesn't design their own launch system either. All of their coasters' launches since Sky Rocket have been designed by Intrasys and they use flywheels. I'm not sure if an expensive new German launch system is financially viable.
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