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Everything posted by Dollywoodlover20

  1. Of course the evening cruise was a sarcastic part, and I would like to hear actual 50's songs because most of the time Dollywoods produced songs for rides always seem to be "Disney-tized" with the dreamy sounds. (Mystery Mine, Wild Eagle, FCE) I just want music to be a big impact on this coaster. Anyway, I watched the video and counted 4 workers on the launch along with the crane. So hopefully they're getting it all fixed and all the kinks worked out. If they have to take all LSM's off and then install new ones, tweak those, then start the test cycle it will not be open by the end of April so let's not hope for that.
  2. I'm really hoping they're speakers that play actual 50's songs with reving sounds. So it'll be like the train has the radio blasting on the local station as you get ready to take an evening "cruise"
  3. Yep, I actually posted it on my Instagram. They hadn't been running either for about a week, then I finally seen the original one back.
  4. A lot of people don't even know it exists haha I mean Barnstormer helped a bit with that but if you don't know the park, and you don't ride Barnstormer, you won't find it. I took some friends last year, that hadn't been since the addition of Timber Tower and they went to Barnstormer and for some reason thought Slidewinder was removed. Haha It's just one of those attractions that gets looked over I guess.
  5. I'm curious as to why Slidewinder isn't running til May 27th. Can't be because of it being a "super wet" ride because the wettest I've ever gotten on a ride at Dollywood is River Battle. That wet was uncomfortable wet haha. Wondering if they're doing a boat redesign or refab of the whole thing?
  6. Read a comment on an IG picture of Lightning Rods trains in the station saying that no one has been seen around the site during the day, but activity does go on at night. (Including testing) Now whether this is true or not, I have no idea. It does seem like something Dollywood would do though, as secretive and special as they want that first launch to be to the public, testing at night would work perfectly. Though if anyone wants a clear view of any movement just go to those Condo's on the ridge and look over. It literally takes up the entire space down in there and hugs every single bump and curve of the hills.
  7. With Danny being quiet, I was watching a video of a behind the scenes tour of Mystery Mine and on camera someone caught a large bulletin posted on the board for Ops, Hosts, etc about Lightning Rod. Couldn't read it but what I could read said "LIGHTNING ROD: Where we are as of now......" Then a large paragraph. The next section was "What YOU can do" then it listed many things. So not sure if they're cracking down on a don't speak don't post status. The other guy who works at Wild Eagle isn't posting anything either. (He was actually supposed to be a ride op on Lightning Rod).
  8. I was not defending Dollywood even though they're my closest home park (either them or KY Kingdom) and I love them. I was just simply saying the commercial is STILL running and that if it does keep running and if the GP doesn't do their research before going (majority won't) they'll be disappointed and cause another up roar.
  9. Haha as did I. I was having breakfast right before class and as I left mom texted me and says "Is Lightning Rod open? You said it was closed, TV is saying it's open." Usually in the mornings our Fox station is linked up with WBIR's broadcasting, so we get all the great Tennessee things.
  10. Just saw it here on my local station as well. So I'm not sure if they're running them both at the same time or what has happened. If it has reached me, it's reached out to the VA and majority of KY as well. Let the GP attacking Facebook begin. Already seen a comment on the new ice cream saying "I heard they're having problems with the lids, so you won't be able to open the ice cream anytime soon". Then that started a swarm of "You can promote ice cream but can't fix a ride" comments. I was literally staring at my laptop. No wonder they don't have anyone to reply to those questions anymore. Those people are RUDE!
  11. The last commercial I seen in my area (Southeastern KY) on Fox said "opening spring 2016" That was earlier this week. You sure it said "now open"?
  12. It bugs me when people say "Mystery Mines" or put an s after coaster names that don't have an s.
  13. Someone took a shot of inside LR's station, both trains aren't removed. One is just sitting there like its waiting to take off haha. So I wonder why they just removed one?
  14. So according to the sign posted outside of Lightning Rod, it states that the coasters launch will reach 4gs. 0-45 mph in (I think 2 seconds) and reaching 4gs, this coaster is sure to impress. Also, I've never paid attention to any other coasters signs but do all RMC's require you to not have "excessive clothing". Because Lightning Rod doesn't allow excessive clothing such as thick jackets.
  15. I cackled! Those are the type of comments happening on Facebook. One woman was complaining how the park was in properly staffed yesterday, and said she'd never return but she was an annual passholder. Dollywood was staffed for 7,000 they received 17,000.
  16. I was just reading the article before I checked this, so is what I'm taking from it the launch isn't bringing enough power to make the coaster go fast enough? Uhm, that test video we seen looked like it was going pretty fast although it did get a bit laggy around the double up but still. If that wasn't the speed they want, will young kids really be able to handle this thing? But if they have to redesign the launch, and the part where LSM meets sensor on the train, the delay will be at least another month- month and a half. I'm just going to try and be hopeful for my late June- July trip.
  17. Dolly officially "opened" the attraction today as she always does while taking questions, singing songs including her first single as a teenager "Puppy Love" to fit the era. Now to continue the waiting game, or for some the crying game haha. (Cues Brenda Lee) I love this coaster because I'm a 50's and 60's GEEK! From cars, history, music, etc.
  18. Here's a photo taken from today, there are workers on the launch and some on the break run. The coaster could even be coming into the breaks too rough, in a sense like Tennessee Tornado sometimes does. This is what I like about the park being open, guests can take pictures from far away (such as River Rampage) and get perfect views of what's going on.
  19. One quick question, we are planning to go down on April 9th and maybe stay a night or two. We are wanting to check out Dreammore. When you stay at Dreammore, do you get Dollywood tickets, or is there a requirement you have to meet in order to get them?
  20. I've also noticed that. The first time I rode on opening I seen so many people being turned away because of their leg sizes or being tall. They were trying to get front row. So I looked at all the seats and noticed row 4 had a black longer belt to it, so I tried that row and fit perfectly. I have large thighs/knees and so I was hesitant with the other rows. I tried Row 2 and 4 both last year. 2 fit me VERY uncomfortably in the legs and "Netherlands" HAHA but 4 still was fine. I too wonder why all rows can't be like 4. I've noticed the sign above 4 is even colored differently.
  21. Oh yea I remember the mention of that coaster. Yea if they would've went with Zippin Pippin, i don't think it would've attracted that big of a crowd. Seems like the "Shibang" idea was passed over into Powder Keg.
  22. ^Thats the only thing I can guess at. Either the trains or the new system (LSM Launch) not working properly with the trains. I don't see any other reason as why they would have to remove a train from the track when they work on them right under the station. As long as they don't do what happened to Firechaser Express' train during placement (One of the cars fell off somehow and smashed into the ground). On a different-ish topic, I was thinking back to around Mystery Mine when a survey came out about new rides/coasters. There were two coasters proposed, one was an out and back coaster in Jukebox Junction, and the other was a coaster rumored "Shibang" that was based around a backwoods prototype racing fuel. Fast forward 2016, and you have Lightning Rod. I just find it interesting how 2 of Dollywoods ideas can come together as 1 over around 9 years and produce one amazing attraction.
  23. Lightning Rod has adverts running here in Southeast KY pretty well. It's a combo of the animation and the hot rod with the launch coming out of the road. At the end it just says "SPRING 2016...only AT DOLLYWOOD" You can't miss the Lightning Rod billboards coming into town as well. They're literally everywhere.
  24. According to Mr. Danny, Lightning Rod will NOT open at all this week. I'm just gonna go with it opening around Thrills in The Hills. I may be down that way around then visiting some friends and maybe doing our first Dollywood trip of the year (if Lightning Rod opens) if not, we'll just go in June like always.
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