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Everything posted by disneypinmaniac

  1. Sounds to me like the cash flow as been turned off. Maybe already for a month or two with lights not being replaced. What do you think.
  2. I'd like to ride Guardian during Haunt, but there is no way I'm going to sacrifice a maze to wait an hour to get on it. Maybe it will rain the last hour I'm there and scare the GP away.
  3. OMG! I just saw Pitbull and Enrique in Toronto! What a great party!
  4. Have any of you guys been on Spider-man or Transformers at Universal? Did I hear that Cedar Point was getting a dark ride? I wonder if that one is going to be like WMG or Transformers? I know that there is a difference in how much money was spent on each ride, but now you can see the result. Not enough money spent = a ride with many problems and issues. It's only 10 million dollars, I say for Cedar Fair to take thier loses, rip the whole thing out and start over again, but do it right this time. What do you guys think?
  5. Hey everyone. My name is Patty. Wonderland is my park. I'm looking forward to chatting with all of you. You probably have been talking about Wonderland for a long time. I've been going to Wonderland for a long time too but just recently discovered this site. Anything you want to know about me or my experiences/favourite rides at Wonderland, just ask, okay?
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