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Everything posted by Bolliger&Swagillard

  1. I hope the next coaster we get is similar to X2, although I have yet to put my opinion on Batman: The Ride @ SFFT.
  2. This is a great point that I didn't even consider. I got 27 laps on Toro in 2014 (throughout the year) and 95% of those rides I saw at least one walk of shame while waiting to board. I've never had experience on El Toro where someone had to leave the ride because of his/hers build. In my opinion, Batman: The Ride is a pretty restrictive ride, even for me. Last season I saw about 4 people on one train get denied. My father is a pretty large dude, but he made it just fine on El Toro and Batman. I think it varies on the way the person is sitting.
  3. ^ Movietown could totally be rethemed to fit in with the "Solar Panel" theme. It's like the deadest part of park other than where Bizarro is located.
  4. I believe GADV's parking lot is way too big for these panels to become a reality, that is if they are installed at the lot. However, solar energy can be used all throughout the park like on buildings and over the queue lines. I really can't wait for the future of this park!
  5. Superman at SFGADV looks pretty good even though it was never repainted and was built a little over 10 years ago. But I do agree primer will make coasters look more vibrant and new after years of it being painted.
  6. It's funny how you don't realize how terrible a rides original colors are until a new coat of paint is put on. Scream looks so CLEAN!
  7. ...construction workers were murdered by the CEO of Six Flags, causing Six Flags to buy and operate the Disney parks, which caused...
  8. Superman: Ultimate Flight at Six Flags Great Adventure Taken from Theme Park Review
  9. The park is in desperate need for some refurbishment on some of the rides (Nitro paint job, because darn that paint is ugly.), and just some more love and care all throughout the park. The cement all around the Boardwalk area is all cracked up and just all out nasty. The better the park looks, the more I will enjoy my visits here and the GP would come back over and over again.
  10. For I coaster I've been on, it has to be Kingda Ka For a coaster that I wish to be on, it's Stormrunner.
  11. I hope Six Flags adds this to all their parks across the country, and like this we won't have any sh/tty announcements like last year. First post guys yay EDIT: I say this because tons of money will be saved if this project becomes a reality.
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