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Everything posted by lbeeler

  1. I'm thinking next week. hopefully the 2nd trains starts testing soon.....
  2. They were actually letting the train run etc? I know it's a dumb question to ask, but in the past my definition of testing is different from others.. Yes, they sent the Train around 4 laps while we were in line. The trains looked real good from the Eway
  3. When I was at the park today I saw what looked like test dummies on the trains.... When y say trains are you meaning 2 sets?
  4. train is back on the track without supports holding it. brakes probably will be completed today. source my brother a ride op on LR.
  5. Did you drive up the little side street next to TT And the auto paint shop? that's where I saw the crates.
  6. Went by the park again TT has been washed. Saw more crates. Possible cross ties?!?!?
  7. Tbh Twisted Colossus seems very short to me. The only reason it seems longer is because of the joint tracks. I meant like opposite of tall short. Ok I See I See.... Has RMC ever failed us????? I don't see them taking on a project that would sux lol.
  8. Tbh Twisted Colossus seems very short to me. The only reason it seems longer is because of the joint tracks.
  9. If anyone goes by the park today look at the top of TT lift hill. Idk if they're measuring something but it looks like they're adding steel.
  10. I just drove past TT and saw wood pallets with what Looked like more steel wrapped in plastic.
  11. depending on the area of the park. I think one area there is a 200 ft max.
  12. I just don't see why it wouldn't be RMC. if I was in charge ill say here's a old coaster here's some money surprise me lol.
  13. I wonder if the top eliminator dragsters area will be used also for TT also hmmmm I guess we’ll wait and see.
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