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Posts posted by dannyboy13

  1. I think it's inevitable that they get the Justice League dark ride. I also think they're going to get the S&S 4d free soon as well, Batman themed. I'd say both of those can happen in the next 5 years, and without removing any existing rides. From there, if I could fantasy plan for them a bit, I'd remove VooDoo, the pirate ship, boomerang, and Tasmanian Devil and put in some sort of custom family coaster or woody. The park desperately needs something above Cobra that doesn't go upside down. I'd love to see Kong taken out and that space used better as well. There's a decent amount of room there.


    Beyond that, I'm not sure there's much more they can do beyond upgrade some flats. The ones back by the lack come to mind. They definitely don't have much room without taking out animal exhibits, but that's part of what makes it such a great well rounded park. I do still wish they could fit a drop ride somewhere

  2. With CGA's 20 year plan approved by Santa Clara city council, they look poised to really improve that park significantly during that time period. What does everyone think SFDK does to try to keep pace? Taking into account 2017 additions (Wonder Woman and Patriot), I'd say SFDK has the better stable of attractions, but if they want to keep it that way, they'll definitely need to spend some significant money.

  3. Was at the park today. Pretty solid crowds. Joker was 30-45 min, Superman 30, Kong almost 30, and Medusa 10-20.


    This was only my second visit this year, and so I had only been on Joker twice before. It honestly felt much faster and much more forceful the 3 times I rode it today versus either 2 before. That was back in late June I think


    It really is an awesome coaster. The negative g's are crazy

  4. Single riser lines won't work, as it will be my wife and I there. I was under the impression Hyperspace Mountain is gone though, back to just regular Space Mountain after being Ghost Galaxy for October. Am I wrong on that one?


    I don't get too stressed on crowds. I go to Disney basically every year so I'm mostly used to it. Was more just curious if the winter weekends are as bad as summer ones

  5. Golden Bear acts as a special events theater for group sales events mostly. A lot of cheer events happen there as well as other events throughout the year. It's such an old and crappy theater that they will never put a normal show in there other than the occasional hypnotist. Kind of sad for a theater that used to host really big concerts with A list talent.


    Gotcha. That explains why I've never seen it in use. Seems to be a good size, you'd think they could fix it up relatively cheaply and make use of it for some sort of regular show. Or tear it down and use the space better, especially since there's a ton of space on either side of it too. Almost makes you think they could've kept the leg ride and put Full Throttle there and have it wind into the hill and maybe over Superman.


    Anyways, thanks for the info. Was just kind of curious about it

  6. Went to the park both Saturday and Sunday. Pretty good crowds both days, with your plus lines on basically everything, and up to 90 on Tatsu, X2, and Goliath. Goliath was running 2 trains on Saturday at least. Superman was even running both sides on Saturday night, which I had never actually seen before. It didn't open at all on Sunday though.


    Holiday in the Park looked pretty damn nice. A ton of lights, looked amazing from the top of Drop of Doom. I was very pleasantly surprised by how nice everything looked, DC Universe and "Gleampunk" district in particular. Even the Kwerkmas show was enjoyable and different enough from the regular show.


    Question for the group..... Does anyone know the last time the golden bear theater was used and what for? Just curious. I've only been coming to the park for 5 years

  7. Six Flags Discovery Kingdom


    2017- Wonder Woman giant frisbee

    2018 - Justice League dark ride

    2019 - Kong replaced with a family coaster of some sort... Maybe a new compact-ish woody

    2020 - Tasmanian Devil removed and replaced with a new flat, maybe the new Enterprise

    2021 - Go carts moved to another place in park, Batman S&S 4D put in its place, V2 rethemed to The Flash coaster, area officially rethemed as DC Land

  8. Hello Texans. I didn't want to double post in both park threads so I just created a new one. If this should be merged into an existing one, please do and accept my apologies.


    Anywho..... So I'm planning a trip to the 2 Texas Six Flags parks for Spring Break with my 13 year old son. Figure we'll have 4 days to spend at the parks. We wanna do a water park one day of that (assuming it's warm in late March there). I was initially thinking 1 day at one park, 2 days at another, and 1 day at a water park, but I'm open to suggestions from those that have done both parks. Which park deserves more time of the 2? What are the must rides at each park? Any other suggestions are greatly appreciated too

  9. Also, for those of you who said there was no room between Superman and Joker, viola, room! If you look at that space from the top of Superman (or really any vantage point), you can see that it is a decent amount of unused space, especially after they cleared it for Joker construction. There's also perfect access to that location via path already between Joker and Superman. I would be very surprised if they did anything to the go-karts anytime soon as people who have worked for the park have mentioned how much of a moneymaker it is.


    I think they'll move the go karts. I know those add on attractions are definitely money makers. But the go karts could easily take up space in the back of the park where the height restriction is lower, thus opening up the space where they are for the FreeFly.

  10. Gotta agree that FreeFly is all but a given for this park. I'd say probably for 2018, and if not then definitely 2019. I think our best chance at getting a TRex is if they take out Kong or Boomerang, but I dont see that for another 4 years at least. This park really does have a string of great additions - Superman, Sky Screamer, Tsunami Soaker/Penguin, Joker, now Wonder Woman. Not too shabby at all.

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