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  1. My wife greys out every time she rides the Titan. It usually doesn't bother me too much, though once or twice I did get a little perceptible peripheral fuzziness.
  2. SWEET! I was almost afraid I'd had my last IRat ride this season. It's too hot to enjoy the park right now, but I'll definitely be back when it cools off just a bit.
  3. I'd say my favorite part was the first drop, even though I have to admit that I actually like the first drop on the NTAG a bit more. What is remarkable to me about IRAT is the airtime... it's outstanding. And the bunnyhop right before the quarry wall drop really caught me off guard. I LOVED IT. I don't have any rides on El Toro or Skyrush, so I don't know about those. but know that the new rattler gives a healthy does of airtime, and it's smooth as butter
  4. So, was anyone else a little surprised by the dive off the quarry wall? Obviously its existence was no secret, but how FUN it was?
  5. I can't say I can really choose one over the other. Though I do like NTAG's first drop better... IRAT is an absolute great time from beginning to end. It isn't long, but it's relentless fun
  6. Probably Superman at SFFT. If I had to guess I've probably been on close to 100 times. Up until the iron rattler it was the best ride there...
  7. IRON RATTLER! 6 times in a row, in fact. Only took one break to sit down and have a Mr. Pibb between times 4 and 5. Absolutely LOVE that ride! Too bad that will probably be the last time I'll ever get that many rides in one day...
  8. IRAT IS AMAZING!! Got in 5 rides today. Will post a mini review when I get home...
  9. I bet that view from the top of the lift hill is insane. Also thanks again for posting the pictures that you did before. Thank you so much for your contributions. I and many others have been following and enjoying your pics for quite a while now, and they have been VERY appreciated. Thank you.
  10. I agree. I think that first drop on the rattler is going to make up for the length and ride time it gives up to the giant. BUT, even if it only turns out to be 75% as fun as the giant, I'll still be 110% happy since just looking at the pictures of the new rattler is more fun than riding the old one. :o
  11. thanks for the pictures guys! I'm way too old to be as giddy as I am right now over this ride I'm like a little kid on Christmas morning
  12. OMFG!! I am so excited for the new rattler. That first drop is looking truly epic. I must say though I am a bit surprised at some of you guys saying you don't want to be in the back of the train... I'm hoping to be EXACTLY there when I get on this thing. The first time I rode the new Texas Giant I rode in the front car... it was quite fun, very enjoyable. The next time (and every time since) I've been in the very BACK car. The difference is quite breathtaking! I'm expecting this to be even more so... Just looking at this thing makes me smile
  13. Yep. The back of the giant is a HUGE improvement over anywhere else in the train. We were actually shocked at what a difference it made, particularly on the first drop. It's gonna suck if this system stays
  14. Agreed. I went yesterday and it seemed a lot better developed than it used to be. Iron Rattler is looking good, btw. We even rode the RoadrunnerExpress kiddie coaster just so we could get a better look at the construction.
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