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Posts posted by rcjp

  1. Hey guys, I'm currently studying in the north of Italy and was thinking of going to Europa Park. I have other parks to visit and not much time as some close in the end of October. I saw EP is open also in November and December but my question is if it is common for the park to close some rides in that time of the year because if it is perhaps I'll try to go there sooner.


  2. I feel like people exaggerate the whole B&M rattle thing so much, but I have to say I could only ride Fury a few times in a row because it was so jarring to my brain.


    I can ride the roughest craziest wooden coasters without issue but can't handle too much of a new B&M giga due to rattle ...go figure.

    Strangely enough I have experienced the same thing. I've ridden extremely rough rides and only three have given me headaches, one of which was gatekeeper (in 2013). I used to think people were making this rattle issue up and so I was extremely surprised when that happened to me. I still consider most B&Ms very smooth, though. I find it amazing how I've ridden 20 year old B&Ms which were as smooth as it gets and perhaps that's why I find it odd that there have been these reports on some of their newer rides.

  3. Without fastlane you might have to wait a whopping two trains to go out before you get on Hydra


    The funny thing is that while you're joking you're still overestimating the wait times by a full 2 trains. I've been going to Dorney since I was a kid (mostly on weekends) and have never seen a 2 train wait for Hydra in my life.

    The Hydra queue is almost always empty. Even on weekends, the line is never past the staircase. However, I was there on a Sunday this year and somehow the line was going down the first switchback.


    Obviously this is

    Wow I must have been really unlucky. I've only been to dorney once and yes, it was on a Saturday. But later in the day the line got longer than in that pic and I actually waited 40 minutes for talon. So I find it a bit strange/funny when I hear people saying how ridiculously short the lines are.

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