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Posts posted by rcjp

  1. On 12/6/2020 at 5:56 PM, KBrylczyk said:

    Extraordinarily slow and legitimately making me think it won't make it back to the station?

    I honestly did not think it was that slow. Sure, it was nothing like a batman clone but I found it waaay more intense than any B&M wing coaster I've been on (actually, the only B&M built after Oziris that felt more intense to me was Fury).

    I have not been on banshee but it doesn't seem super intense. Fast, yes, but also with very drawn out elements.

    I'm sure this will be a great fun ride but I'm not expecting a batman clone. B&M seems to be done with rides that intense.

  2. Out of the ones I've been to, I´d say Cedar Point, Hershey Park and SFGAdv (the latter has added quite a few rides since I went there, so even better). I also quite liked the lineup of Busch Gardens Williamsburg and I imagine SF Magic Mountain is pretty good to (although I haven't been there).

    Out of the ones I've to in Europe (which typically have fewer coaster per park), I'll say Portaventura (if you include Ferrari Land) because you get an awesome old-shcool  B&M, the tallest B&M hyper out there, a great (although this is a matter of taste) intamin accelerator coaster and an intamin giga which is basically a slightly smaller KK or TTD.

    I'll give an honourable mention to Energylandia (yes, I know a lot won't agree here) because they do have a lot of potential (looking only at coasters). When I went there last year they had a great (not the best ever but great) intamin hyper and an awesome RMC which became my personal favourite coaster. They also have the tallest water coaster in the world (I believe), a solid fun Vekoma launch coaster and now they'll have (is it open?) what looks like a great multi-launch coaster. Plus 2000 kiddie coasters 🤣

  3. I realize Wikipedia isn't the most reliable source but is this true?


    The Rotator: A Maxi Dance Party 360 in which riders face outwards on a rotating gondola that swings like a pendulum. The Rotator no longer spins the full 360° that the ride is capable of, due to people being too scared to ride.


    Seems weird with all the swinging pendulum models out there on the market, that the park brought one of the few that has a counterweight to do the full 360 and not run it that way.


    The only time I went there it did go 360, but that was a few years ago.

    I personally prefer the standard "counterweightless" pendulum rides as they feel more natural. But it sure is strange if this one is o longer doing the full 360.

  4. It's not one ride, but as someone who nauseates easily, hang-time becoming a praised, deliberate coaster feature stinks for me. I also think it's just less fun than ripping through inversions -- there's a reason people miss the pace of old B&Ms. When lumbering slowly upside-down is the point, I wish the whole idea would stay in the realm of wacky flat rides.


    Yes, RMC stalls are cool-looking, and at least they're change-ups on otherwise relentless layouts, but your jojo rolls, wing coasters, slow Gerstauler loops -- no thank you.

    I do mostly agree with you. While I don't mind a slow jojo roll to get things started or a faster heartline roll that still gives you negative Gs, I'm definitely not a fan of hangtime in more "traditional" inversions like loops and corkscrews. I remember once riding dragon khan at night and being upside down in its huge loop while still on my seat really felt cool because it almost made it seem like everything else was upside down and not me. That feel goes away when you clearly feel yourself hanging. Whether its tight loops that throw you over the top with great Gs or massive B&M loops which provide near weightlessness for a longer time, I find them more fun than these more modern hangtime inducing ones. I also love inversions which provide zero g (like zero g rolls or stalls) but, like you said, I wish the concept of leaving you hanging from your seat belonged to wacky flat rides (which, despite not making me sick at all, are not so fun to me)

  5. I'm surprised that this coaster doesn't have a triple launch, and I completely agree that single launches are way more fun. From a practical standpoint, though, if I'm not mistaken triple launches require significantly less power than normal launches, which is why they're becoming so common. It takes a lot to move a coaster train, and launches aren't free for the parks.


    Plus it's a bit of a gimmick. Saying that a coaster has a triple launch sounds a lot more impressive than just a launch.


    From photos, it looks like Intamin's newer lap bar like Taron. If it's like that, it's ridiculously comfortable.

    Great, that's what I was hoping for

  6. I'm glad this coaster has a proper hard launch and not the gradual, forward-reverse launch stuff we've seen so much of lately. If this is reliable and rides well I hope Intamin sells a bunch of them.

    Agree. I'm not a fan of these "triple launches". I mean, it's fun to be launched backwards but they usually end up being quite forceless. I also prefer a single intense launch.


    I honestly completely missed this coaster being built but it looks really great. How are the restraints?

  7. Thanks for all the advice. ^ That's kind of funny but also a bit worrying Indeed I have not heard many great things about the place (except for the main coasters).


    Be prepared to WALK, re-rides are not allowed and the lines are set up tenuously long.

    Oh yes, I had already seen a video somewhere about this very issue. Must be pretty bad


    Also be wary of Hyperion's guest pulsing system at the end of the queue.

    I'm not sure I understand... What do you mean?

  8. Looks great! I'm most intrigued by the spinning car. I'm really intrigued to see if it's a controlled spin like Time Traveler or if it can free spin like the Blue Fire prototype video.

    That's what I was thinking.

    Personally, I'm not a fan of these triple launch coasters since they end up being less forceful than their "single launch equivalent" but the twisted spike and spinning car definitely look really cool.

    Looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

  9. If this opens, we'll put together a nice, safe trip to the UAE and Saudi Arabia so we can all go together! I feel like this will be a more strict Oman (which we've been to), and I might not like or agree with all of their rules/culture/law, but I'm willing to accept it for a day or two for that screwed up Tilt Coaster!


    Now that'd be something

    Really curious to see if this actually goes forward because this park looks absolutely ridiculous (in a good way)

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