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Posts posted by Cyrbuzz

  1. Here's another for you. An episode of Storage Wars had the husband and wife team visit Knott's Berry Farm. They found a vintage Knott's pennant but it was not worth much. They got a free day at the park. And an episode of American Pickers took place at Bushkill Park. They bought a few side show banners and made a killing on them. They shared the profits with the owner of Bushkill to help reopen the park.

  2. How about that old monster flick The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms? The creature ends up at The Pike and dies amid the burning of The Cyclone Racer Coaster? Also there was an episode of Leave It To Beaver where they went to Coney Island I believe. Eddie Hasckle gets scared on the wooden coaster after teasing Beaver about being scared to ride. Not sure if it was Coney Island but it looked like Cyclone.

  3. Yes, the gondolas did spin on that ferris wheel. Boardwalk and Baseball actually had two different ferris wheels during its short existance. The first one was there when the park was called Circus World and then after it became B&B it replaced the wheel with one similar in size but the gondolas were different in appearance. I think the other ferris wheel went to Ocean City, Maryland.

  4. Man I really need to get a pass renewal in order for Universal Orlando. I've been doing the Busch parks for sometime and haven't been to Universal since before even Harry Potter came to town. I'm blown away by the amount of expansion this place has undergone, not just the parks but the entire complex as a whole. Let's hope for a good tax return this year and a new pass.

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