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  1. I'm actually proud that I've already been able to experience the VR ride on Alpenexpress... There is however a problem, yes, and that is the capacity from attractions with virtual reality because where once was never a queue for AlpenExpress is now an annoying queue for the regular visitors... and yes ... front seat is reserved. The movie is loosely based on the 4D show 'secret schloss Baltazhar' and begins in a cave where the dragon brings you out and ends just before the castle before Europa park. I had no idea that I actually take a ride on the Alpenexpress and my 2nd time I noticed myself that I also had feet in this virtual world. But an intense moment was that you might think you've made an inversion and I think this was the moment you make an acceleration in the cave (Welt der diamanten). The music is so loud but not anything disturbing and I could not hear my fellow passengers...just me, another 360° world and one hell of a ride. [youtu_be] [/youtu_be] This invention is fantastic, a prime example where technology Mack Media can be proud of. For me, this may be on any coaster, it's always been different experiences in spite to be the same coaster I did 100's of times. I would very much like to pay extra for this experience...now it was free for all season pass holders and hotel guests.
  2. Really...It doesn't work anymore. I made 12 new HD onrides in the UK and I would love to share them but for some reason it doesn't allow me to upload something.
  3. US has a big difference with Europe I believe. Beside Merlin Entertainment, European parks are quite easy with POV videos. But I plan a trip to multiple Merlin parks next year, so I also plan to buy a GoPro. But with most other parks this it's not necessary. I've just been uploaded a video on the coaster tube (wrong version... darn it) in which each image is made of an attraction where I was allowed to film, even boosters ... the most intense rides. Therefore, it's sometimes very confusing ... sometimes even GoPro's are prohibited and that has nothing to do with safety. I've had trouble with three parks: Walibi Holland, Blackpool pleasure beach and Heide Park ... although Walibi Holland has become less stringent in recent years since they are owned by 'Company des Alpes' and not the Americans or Brits who formerly owned the park.
  4. There are many parks in Europe where it is allowed to take your camera in all major attractions. Parks such as Parc Asterix, The Efteling, Skyline Park, Bellewaerde, Every park in Austria or Bobbejaanland ... if you know that you can take your camera in B&M's, Gerstlauers and Huss giants ... then it's not necessary to do this if no one sees you. And there has never been an accident in any of these parks... most accidents happen because onriders put their cameras ready in lift hills and don't have the chanse to hold their camera like they should/ not find the right grip on time. In parks where it allowed for POV's... in more than thousands attempts, no accidents happend or will happen at any time. And if you drop your camera...than it's your own riks. People watch too much tv...after the movie FD3 everyone went crazy when they saw a camera in my hands. But did you know that the onrider left his seat and the accident happens anyway without him? You can't escape death's design anyway.
  5. Eum, comments and tips are welcome ... maybe someone who can say something about the comparison with other legolands? I expect that most of you know the Florida Resort? Can you compare that with this version?
  6. It was almost over with my holiday and this is my latest experience. Normally we would visit Europa Park, but changed the plan because of an overdose Europa park that I'm sure a year can do without. EP was traded for ... Legoland ... gosh, I had a lot of prejudices when hearing that name. It was a very sunny Friday and I had good hope, but it's just the Lego blocks that made me worry, it seemed so childish. We arrived a little too early and the parking lot wasn't even opened yet. We waited just on the parking of a car wash and we move ourselves around a little after nine in the immense parking lot. I was amazed that a small park like Legoland, has such a large car park. Many fellow- visitors can be here apparently. Fortunately this was not the case today. It starts with a negative point. Movie Park /Bellewaerde park states with opening at 10am without opening a for section for drinking a cup of coffee before I start with a theme park day. Most of the European parks open before the opening times to gen no furstration at the main gate. Luckily it was quiet so no frustration occurs at the entrance. But otherwise I could actually just see this as a negative thing. All attractions are open on time and all look quite special and new to me. The Lego theme is special to see and much more pleasant than what we have seen in the bare Skyline Park. I started with something that has less capacity. Wiii! 65 flops in 2,5 minutes! What a fun way to start a day! I know what to do with the wings to get so many flips from other parks with the same ride (Belantis and Nigloland). luckily there are no queue's at any time of the day. That's why I did this attraction so often. The other riders in these attractions were struggling to do the same when they saw me and some people asked me "how do you do that?" This attraction can be very boring, either a great thrill ride when you know how. As in Belantis and Nigloland, this is just fun to do. The operator was very friendly and likes to chat with visitors. The other great attraction is something that I never seen before... The 'Hero Factory'. Funny and unpredictable attraction that could have lasted much longer in my case. For a park with the childish name like 'Legoland' these first rides were already two pretty good rides with inversions. 5th program please!... Amazing that you can choose your own program : D [coastertube]http://www.themeparkreview.com/coastertube/play.php?vid=Byonicle-_Legoland_bagf[/coastertube] We move on a little further into the park among the many Lego details and attractions. Some rides really surprised me because the next thing I did was the dark ride / coaster combination 'Feuerdrache. Many lego puppets and obviously a pretty good Zierer coaster. His neighbor was tinged rather childish, Drachenjagd "a very small Gerstlauer. Fortunately, I was allowed to stay for several rides without having to go back and continue to pass the entrance. [coastertube]http://www.themeparkreview.com/coastertube/play.php?vid=Drachenjagd-_Legoland_Deutschland_im2s[/coastertube] This park also had an interactive dark ride. Unfortunately too short but somehow amusing. The log flume and the splash battle came in handy in this warm and sunny weather. The wild mouse should have been a fun coaster because of the different layout. This is the first time that a wild mouse bleeds to death at the end of the ride. It slowed down almost anywhere even outside the trim brakes so that children from a meter (small children) can do this attraction. Too bad, because the first drop is quite high ... similar to Matterhorn Blitz Europa park but with a lot more braking. But the real disappointment came from Atlantis by Sealife. Frankly I expected a dark ride or tour but ultimately turns out to be a walkthrough with ... fish. All is said with ... fish! Many people watched with great attention to the shark that swims around them, but I'm not a fan of animals in captivity, so we went straight to the exit and quickly sought the 4D theater... which was actually quite good. Let's go on the splash battle and never leave again...this is what most people said this day. Also 'mini land' was pretty impressive. A kind of 'miniature world, but from Lego. Many details and interaction. Even a 'Star Wars miniland. We have done many rides several times in this park and can say that surely three attractions are things that I like very much. Legoland had me pleasantly surprised, it has his errors and mistakes just like every park has, and is rather expensive for what it is at the entrance. But if you like to print the tickets home before visiting, it is still affordable. It's all so colorful and pretty nicely put together. On calm days like this it's just nice because some attractions have a tremendous replay value, but have a very small capacity. I wouldn't want to be there when this huge parking is filled with cars. So just a good park when it is quiet and good weather like it was today. I don't regret that I traded it for Europa park, Despite that I'm no legofan. The staff were mostly friendly and cheerful, and that's finally something different because my German and Austrian trip was poor in much kindness.In a few years, I would once again be able to return here. I wonder now whether the Legolands in Denmark, Florida and England are equally fun like Deutschland is.
  7. No, I didn't ride that Extasy ride because of the 4,50 euro and that seemed too much for what it was. But I did all the other rides.
  8. I often go on vacation in southern Germany because this side of Germany has always been a pleasant experience. Tripsdrill is a nice park with tipical german atmosphere and some nice attractions. But I myself am not a fan because of the limited hours that attractions stay open. But I think people from far away would enjoy Tripsdrill more than me. Really ...A bathtub boat ride with naked ladies as a backdrop ... what more could you want? Holiday Park is a lovely park in the theme of Maya and Wicky the viking, famous German cartoon figures. I'm been there two weeks ago and this park has some real good rides...Sky scream is not bad at all. Oh, and the darkride has naked ladies too. I can further recommend to search for Alpine coasters. Southern Germany has some extremely good Alpine coasters approximately three kilometers long. These are located in the high mountains of Germany and the Black Forest. You will find the adress when you look it up on google. But southern Germany thas more than only this...let me give you a small list from parks who are worth a visit. - Europa park - Bayern park - Skyline park - Legoland Deutschland - Freizeitpark Klotten - Freizeitpark Geiselwind - Schwaben park - Steinwasen Park - Lots of Alpine coasters.
  9. He should know TPR, since Robb and Elissa brought TPR to the park in 2010 Oh yes, and I see that 'Erik Wagner' was with them. But he didn't said that TPR visited this park even when I asked him.
  10. No problem. He knows the name "Theme Park Review", but it were are other groups who visited this park and were apparently quite entousiast about warm welcome. He's still waiting for TPR to test the Knightsride tower.
  11. Austria is a very clean country, on our way to Vienna, the car parks and public toilets are so clean... I also thought that the surroundings of Vienna was more urban and flat. That proved wrong because it was green and hilly. Anyway, we arrive in the capital of Austria for the first time. Vienna is a maze of streets and ancient buildings ... without GPS, you are lost. Crossing with the palace of Franz Joseph, we were more close to our destination, but then came the hardest ... find a parking spot near our hotel. Miracle by miracle, there was still a place just for our hotel. We check in and went straight to see what had Wiener Prater to offer. It was Sunday and there was quite a lot of people in the park and the first attraction that I did was unexpected 'Black Mamba' a ​​very special booster. A nun and a priest that close to a Boomerang ... you don't see that every day. And I've looked enough, they were not Muslims ... that came later. I wanted to do everything that the open park has to offer, but that was not counted on the massive pricey entrance tickets per attraction. Wiener Prater is a park that bothers me ... do you want to ride something, then pay 5 euros. It's a kind of amusement park carnival style....theme park rides on a fair. The star flyer is huge ... one of the few times that I really enjoyed this kind of attraction. But then again five euro's lighter. What a piece of junk, rust dominated the coaster....despite that, nice ride...if you survive. The park has so many coasters, the one more special than the other. 3 wild mouse roller coasters, a spinning, a spinning indoor and one (Maurer) traditional. A Volare, a Vekoma MK700, a Boomerang without shoulderbars, a piece of junk and a very old woodie with brake man. Costly, but despite that, some attractions will stay with me. And despite all the negative reactions on the Volare flying coaster, I believe that it's a very nice coaster. Brutal, but ok. The boomerang was ok because of the weird safty bars. It seemed like I was going to fall out in the Cobra roll. Not that this is better because I didn't feel comfortable but I'm sure that many fans perfer this Boomerang over a Vekoma train. The woodie from 1950 with brake-man. Not because of intensity, but because of the decoration. It's actually a tour with gears and ultimately very beautiful and worth of it's 3.50 euros. [coastertube]http://www.themeparkreview.com/coastertube/play.php?vid=Hochschaubahn-_Wiener_Prater_iddc[/coastertube] Further on, the rapid river that spun so hard on the descent, I almost flew out with each break. A thrill ride in a boat I would say. Black Mamba and a kind of booster with cables which I forgot the name from. A dino walkthrough / simulator that really should to be in an amusement park where more people come ... it's just a shame that I was alone inside this doni ride and three euro was not really expensive for what this was. Scary stuff. I did the other coasters for the coaster count. : p I could walk around in this park for hours with much attention with here and there riding an attraction that I perfer to do. I imagined a few questions if I had to deal with the owners of attractions and restaurants. The owners are walking chimneys and look like they are on lemon diet. Smoke above the plates when I order a hamburger ... smoking in my face while I buy a token. I myself am smoker ... but this horrible. Hygiene was a disaster in many places in the park. And maybe it's not meant to be unkind and this is just the way how citypeople in Austria are, but that was about it. Only in two places I felt welcome, the woodie and the restaurant next to the afterburner. Even with the safety standards of the attractions ... to give an example, I wanted to close my seat belt with Dizzy mouse and the man said "that's not necessary as I didn't even had my safty bars on and starts the thing before I could close it. There was no saftycheck like theme parks do. Maybe I see this too much with theme park fan-eye, but even on a fair there are things that can't be overlooked. Nope, these are the things that I perfer to skip. Poor horses... My parkvideo's are not much, but they let you see some of it. When we returned home, we received a parting gift from the city, a fine for unauthorized parking. But all by all Vienna was still worth it. Wiener Prater is very large and has a lot of very nice and special rides, too bad about the downsides that I said before. I would recommend it if you are in Austria and want to do more then Zierers or Pax coasters in little parks. I have amused myself and will remember it as a fun park.
  12. Does anyone even know this little Austrian park?...I guess not. That's why I'm gonna write something about it. It was just after visiting Wiener Prater in Vienna... Just after the opening of the park at 10 am in the morning, it was pretty quiet at the entrance. one school bus, two cars, and that continued throughout the day as well. From the parking lot, I can easily see the only coaster that the park has and I immediately found it familiar. It was a Pax Wild train where I had nightmares from the French "Saint-Paul" so this promised much. The only people in the park were some wannabe screaming girls that screams for everything that happes to them and had the intention to continue to follow us ... annoying. Two attractions open later this day like Schloss Dracula and Knight Ride tower. So I decided to start off with the Pax coaster ... and just like the French version, it is very ...I mean VERY wild wild train. He takes his turns and hills in a way that I thought Please NO every second. In a way you could say that it is challenging but enjoyable ... no ... rather frightening for pain. Does it hurt? .... Not really as I put myself in a good position. Fantasiana is actually mostly a fairy tale park which myths and legends came in the picture. This one coaster is just needed to put it on the map for theme park fanatics. After a few frightening experiences in the 'Wild train' we set off to the 4D that plays three times each day. The movie was about Ali Baba and the entire area of the 4D was actually quite nice themed in Oriental style. Beside the 4D, there was also a very nice dark ride and a restaurant. The 4D itself wasn't that good, in fact, one of the worst that I've seen in a while ... the animation was poor and the effects are the same ... the dark ride was okay with considerable fright scenes and recognizable moments with other dark rides. There was also a cruise boat with motor in a trench, a fairytale and smaller things like a puppet show. After all that small amusement park fun, it was finally time to visit the main rides of this park. It was a little too early for 'Castle Dracula, but "Knight Ride Tower was opened and I did it by myself because of a lack of fellow- visitors...Awsome! The tower didn't seem really high and expected more of a kind of 'Zierer family' freefall than a full-fledged freefall like Mystery castle. I immediatly had to reconsider these low expectations because I was blown down by epicness and themes and details that are included in this attraction. The fall itself isn't too high indeed, and reminded me of 'Drop dead' from the dungeons (European theme park/museum)... and this is in fact an 'ABC rides' freefall. But the picture was just.... correct, it is based on a local legend with Austrian knights, demons, dragons and other mythical creatures. For this small park ... wow. The seats themselves have several effects that are simply belong during the ride...and sorry that you can't feel it while you see through my camera...it's just awsome. [coastertube]http://www.themeparkreview.com/coastertube/play.php?vid=Knightsride_Tower-_Fantasiana_m3zh[/coastertube] After this, we had to watch around the corner to see if the other attraction was opened, and yes ... so let's go there. Schloss Dracula of course say enough what kind of attraction this is.... a walkthrough with beautiful scenes and a dark setting and atmosphere. You get a guide that explains the whole story with every scene and of course you they are trying to scare you. It also had some actors in a maze of mirrors and you don't need to understand German to know what's going on. It's not comparable to a walkthrough with Halloween, but it is certainly worth the effort. Later it seemed that the guide in Castle Dracula, was also the owner of this park and found it very interesting that we come from Belgium to see Fantasiana . The man showed us the prices that the park received for Knightsride tower and the many organizations that visited this park from the US. His inspiration came from his old friend 'Bobbejaan' (Bobbejaanland Belguim) where he even copy's the flowers and western village like in Bobbejaanland . To top it all off, we were allowed to look behind the scenes of 'Knight Ride Tower' which was very worth to do... a detailed explanation of every detail which is in the attraction. It was very interesting and it came up at that he is still full of ideas for new attractions, but the visitors have to rise before this is possible. The love that he showed for his park was beautiful to see, and I saw it, it was a pleasant and clean park. Looking behind the scenes in such attraction led by the owner, as a theme park fanatic... I want nothing more than this! In conclusion, Fantasiana is a small and pleasant park that wants to achive much with a small budget. The staff was very friendly ... nice to still see this before I drive away from after what I've seen in Vienna....walking chimneys on a lemon diet ... so unfriendly ... and smoking above the griddles. Luckily this was not the case here. We will certainly hear much about this park in the future and hope for them that they can deliver what they hope to become. We then drive further into Germany for Bayern park.
  13. Finally! Halloween! I've been looking forward to this and I can finally decorate my house in great halloween theme. But for a more professional Halloween experience I prefer to look at an amusement park and so it begins at Bobbejaanland. After a disappointing Halloween event last year I actually had the intention to skip Bobbejaanland this year. But because Walibi Belgium and Bellewaerde begins later with Halloween events, came the idea to visit this park anyway and now I am very happy that I did. labyrinth of evil was back, but not alone, Bobbejaanland had a brand new haunted house 'House of Phobia "which is located next to the exit state of Indiana river. Also, the Halloween atmosphere was again all across the western region and now we could hear some well known Halloween soundtracks all across the park. The music was heard in the attractions and the trails were mainly 'Melanie's Box of Phantom Manor music and soundtracks of "Nightmare before christmas were. Also on the square at the entrance is a pleasant Halloween atmosphere that was applied by scarecrows where there were several of living between them. The show also was present this year so it promised to be a fun day with all the additions and work that the park had put into it. The weather was just a disaster. Rain throughout the day! But a die hard Halloween fan like myself goes through it without too much fuss for and so it was very quiet today. Sometimes too quiet because Dreamcatcher required nim 10 people and that was sometimes not feasible. But I didn't came for these rides, both haunted houses opened at 12 and of course we go to be the first visitors of these. labyrinth of evil was completely like it was last year. Lots of gore decoration and actors who had a very good grime and although this was the 3rd time that I step in to this, they can still scare me. With the words "I'm gonna kill you! we leave this Halloween maze unscathed. Haunted house of a high level so I was impressed last year. But now a totally new haunted house. Just as in labyrinth of evil, here you get a kind of breefing in style before going into the house. The decor was also very good and like labyrinth of evil on the same level. More wider scene's and walking places that really reminded me of 'Insomnia in Walibi Belgium but with an Asylum atmosphere where you have to step around the corpses and surrounded by actors with very good grime. A virus has broken 'theme in House of Phobia and definitely worth it. hte 3th maze 'Trick or treat',can't be done without children but unfortunately that's understandable. These are the things that Plopsaland should have during Halloween and not just a fairground haunted house to have a possibility among the 16 + houses to let your kids inside a maze, "It's the Happy Halloween style that belongs in the sphere of the cowboy village. El Rio was transformed for the occasion into 'Hell Rio' which the station was transformed into a cemetery. The decoration is not the best or the most expensive, but the atmosphere is present and that's just more fun. (El Rio is the rapid river in Bobbejaanland) we had tickets for the Nightmares show where Bobbejaanland has been talking about for so long. I had in my mind that I liked the show last year that it is difficult to surpass. About the show itself, I will not say too much but it certainly is worth the effort to get your free tickets and the other Halloween shows of better-known parks (Horror on Ice park in Europe) exceeds. But all in all, I was satisfied with what I saw. In 2012, the park has put a step back in atmosphere and decoration... from this year I can only say that Halloween is really there for the first time in Bobbejaanland. The decoration is only limited to the western village and the entrance ... but the music, the houses and the show are participating in the experience that can be found elsewhere in the park. And "Melanie's music box is a very good choice to make music. This music can be heard everywhere. I am particularly pleased that our country has a good Halloween Park after Walibi Belgium and Bellewaerde park. It took a while for them but now they can already compete with other parks. Kiddie haunted house entrance Hel Rio
  14. He would be better to open his park all the way from the planned 10 hours and not at 12 instead of selling sweet talk. On many days, Port aventura refuses to open three quarters of the park for two hours while the park is open and reduce their capacity on busy days... and that is particularly annoying when it's indeed busy. They have so disgusting systems in order to sell their "express pass" at maximum prices. Port Aventura would be so great if they didn't had this distasteful and extremely poor customer unfriendly management.
  15. 27 times where 25 in a row without stepping out on 'El Toro...just because I love GCI wooden rides.
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