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Posts posted by webgoof

  1. I was at MK yesterday, and grabbed some Fantasyland photos. I forgot to bring a real camera, though, so we're stuck with iPhone4 blurryphotos....



    The entry gate by Pinocchio's is taking shape!



    You can see the Seven Dwarves Mine Train hills are taking some more form...



    Eric's Castle, and surrounding landscaping coming along nicely


    The rockwork seems nearly done here...


    view from further back


    Apologies about the blur, and poor lighting...it was sunset, so not ideal.

  2. Well, with a time window stretching out nearly 3 months, I had gone from "checking my email to see if I heard from Disney" to "checking my email to see if anything isn't junk" so you can imagine that I was a bit shocked, and quite thrilled when I got an email this morning from Disney, with an acceptance! I've been offered a position in quick-service food & beverage, but it didn't specify a park. I imagine it may very well bounce around, but that remains to be seen. The offer is for the Fall Advantage period.


    Needless to say, I'm BEYOND thrilled, and can't wait to get out there!!

  3. I applied for the Fall 2012 program and I have been accepted! I got in for the Fall 2012 Program! My role will be Attractions! I am so excited! I finally get to work for the Mouse! Hope i can see all of you guys soon!


    When did you have the phone interview? Mine was on the 24th, but I have yet to receive an update of any kind, despite the promised two-week window...

  4. My phone interview was last night, and the follow-up email after that said I should have a response in the next 2 weeks. To say I'm excited would be an understatement!



    I have mine tomorrow afternoon and I'm wicked nervous! I'm praying that I get this! Where did you apply too? Maybe if we both get it well work together! Good luck!!!


    My top three choices were attractions, food & beverage, and concierge, but I didn't really discuss a specific area of the parks...

  5. I just applied as well, but for the Disneyland Resort. One question though, did I have to attend a presentation or something? I was able to complete the application, but people have posted Youtube videos about the application and all of them talk about attending a presentation...


    In times past, they had a schedule posted on the College Program website, indicating when & where they would be giving the presentations at various schools across the country.


    If you had missed the presentation near you, or there wasn't one near you, there was an online version you could watch, and whenever you'd apply, the application would ask where you saw the presentation, whether in person or online...When I applied, the application didn't mention the presentations at all, that I noticed...



    But to go back and answer the question of whether you HAVE to attend one...not necessarily I don't think. It basically just introduces the Disney College Program, and explains how things work...if you explore the website thoroughly, and read up on the various components, you'll know just as much as you would have gotten from a presentation.

  6. Not really a big fan of the looping variety. I can't stand the restraint systems and how tight they staple you in. It always seems that when it starts falling and you are in the backwards motion, the shoulder harness sucks in so much it hurts to breathe.


    See, I haven't had that problem...the lapbar does squeeze pretty tight when setting, but relaxes back enough that it doesn't bother me.


    Then again, I'm a skinny guy, so that may have something to do with it.

  7. So they apparently have a dj getting set up in the claw! This should be interesting...makes me wish for an audio feed...

    Well, you get one! There is music playing right now from the feed. This is pretty cool!

    And yes, I made sure its from the feed, I went on a couple of computers and tried it. LOL.

    Haha I shall now wish for a million dollars! Ah, if only...


    It is really cool or the RADG to put up the audio, though!

  8. to edit your character, click the green + to the left of your character.


    Also, I got disconnected earlier, I was in the 500's in line or so...I gave up on the connection for the time being, and went out for errands.


    I returned, and reconnected, to discover that it apparently saved my place, because there's 8-900 people in line, but it put me in the 100's, with about 3 hours to wait!

  9. Okie Dokie, so I didn't see this anywhere in the last many pages, however I think it's worth noting that last Saturday, at least, the fog was off in the tunnel and the horn no longer blairs when the train is leaving the station. Both aspects I liked. They have also had 2511 articles reported missing as a result of not securing the crap. In another note, I find that the ride has really smoothed out and worn in very well.


    This is really good to hear! It is an interesting dynamic having the steel shaped wooden track built on a wooden structure that moves like a wooden coaster. Can't wait to ride it again sometime when I make it back to Texas!


    I was there on Saturday, the 1st, (I'm assuming that's the same day you were there?)


    -They turned the misters on early afternoon, once it had warmed up a bit. I was actually on the 1st train that had had it on, so the ride op said...also the horn was honking whenever I was there. For what it's worth.


    It's been mentioned that the horn is controllable by the ride ops...I wonder if that is true or not..


    Eh, either way, I do agree that it's riding very nicely!


    Also, FWIW, they were running all three trains when I was there.

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