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Posts posted by let1gre

  1. . Of course, people are already complaining and being offended by it ... which doesn't surprise me.


    There is a whole army of people sitting around waiting to get offended about something so they can yell about stuff.

  2. It's a good ride. I really liked the layout, it had a good amount of airtime and lots of twisting. One comment I would have is the ride seemed kind of slow, especially going over the larger hills and towards the end of the ride, when it was crawling along at around 20 mph. I'm not sure how this could get fixed except for major track adjustments or launch track somewhere.

  3. When Glee talks, people listen. This is why they're writing in big topics like religion and homosexuality. They've got a big megaphone. And I applaud them using it for something other than sex.
















    Not that that's a problem.

  4. Robb did post on your other thread with his opinions.


    You don't need a range. Elissa and I's opinions are the only ones that count anyway. Here's my thoughts:


    - Silver Star - Decent ride when the trims are off or on lightly. Recent years rides have been much better than opening year.

    - Blue Fire - Great ride! Not as intense as the Intamin launchers, but GREAT ride still! Best trains on any steel coaster

    - Katun - One of the best B&M coasters out there.

    -I SPEED - One of the best (maybe even the best) Intamin launcher out there. Anyone who says the restraints suck is a pussy.

    -Mammut - Weak

    -G nseaew ( However You Spell It ) - Ok

    - Troy - Decent GCI. Not my favorite by them, but solid

    - Desert Race - Average

    - Colossos - Near perfection. What every wooden coaster should be. Only beat out by it's later versions El Toro, Balder, and T Express.

    - Speed - Best Euro Fighter out there! Amazing!

    - Megaphobia - Once a top ten coaster, now it's just "ok" - it's actually a decent ride, but it's no longer OMFG amazing like it used to be.

    - Tonneree De Zeus - One of the best CCI's. Temperamental. Been on it when it's crap, been on it when it's great! Most of my rides have been great, though.

    - Gourdix - Demolish it

  5. [The Not-Flight-of-the-Conchords New Zealander] is hoping his first ever wooden coaster will be on the Big Dipper in it’s new home.


    Since this guy has never ever ridden a woodie, especially one as old as Big Dipper, he must have absolutely no idea what he's saving. I haven't ridden it myself, but if what has been said is true, then one ride and he'll realize that those thousands of excess dollars he had laying around would have been put to better use building a kitten chariot arena.

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