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Posts posted by let1gre

  1. Considering it's still summer, it will probably be busier than other months of the year, but Sundays and Mondays will be generally less busy than other days of the week. When I went (on a Friday) last June, my dad and I invested in front of line passes. We were able to ride a few of the more popular rides (The Simpsons Ride, Jurassic Park, and most importantly Revenge of the Mummy) upwards of 5 times in a row without having to wait for more than 2 minutes at a time. Is it worth it? I think so, but they are really expensive.

  2. I liked Up, myself; actually, I think Pixar has been getting more daring since Cars. How many animated movies have a character die in the first ten minutes? (Haven't seen the latest Toy Story yet.)


    I've got to agree with you here, as a staunch critic of the animation industry, Pixar is the only major animation studio that gives me hope. They use animation as a true art form, as opposed to a medium used to sell to kids, like Disney and DreamWorks animation houses do, in my opinion.

  3. I know it's late and I know you're keeping the layout, I'd just like to offer my two cents on the first drop. I think a half turn and then a 90 degree drop that ended with the other half turn would have worked just as well and been more aesthetically pleasing.


    But that's just my (late to the game) opinion, and I appreciate you sticking with what you think is right.

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