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About CardCraze

  • Birthday 04/28/1994

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  1. Food and Wine is quickly becoming my favorite . I'll be 21 this year for it to so I guess I'll get to experience the wine side of it. Last year my top three favorite were probably the Chocolate Lava Cake from American Southwest, the Halloumi from Greece, and the Cheddar and Lager Chowder from Canada.
  2. This could be the official, official announcement, right? It's hard to see what else it could be. https://www.facebook.com/events/418097855026010/
  3. Howl-O-Scream site is up, doesn't look like anything has really changed from last year apart from a new "terror-tory" and a change of the theme. http://seaworldparks.com/en/buschgardens-williamsburg/howloscream/
  4. Making my first trip to the food & Wine Festival this Sunday! Super excited, but was wondering how much money I should plan to spend. I was hoping to keep it around 30-40, will that be enough to get a taste? Thanks!
  5. Very neat article, it certainly doesn't get much wackier than "the wacky worm"!
  6. The media can talk about amusement parks being unsafe all they want, it's not stopping people from pouring through the turnstiles, and it certainly didn't stop me from having to wait 45 minutes for Verbolten Sunday. The end result of all this is; It's an accident. Are ride ops probably going to be a bit more careful when getting restraints down on larger people? Yes. Are parks going to start adding seat belts, and sensors, and making people suck in their gut and do push-ups before boarding? No.
  7. I don't know if I'd say Six Flags will keep it hush hush as the article seems to suggest. Incidents like this are so rare, that they capture the nation's attention. Six Flags is going to have to do some damage control and point out "Hey, our ride is safe" because even though that's apparent to us (and many logically thinking people), there are a lot of people right now running around in circle screaming about how airtime is dangerous and roller coasters are "rickety death machines". I'd fully expect Six Flags to come out and say "We screwed up, she was too large to ride and we didn't catch it, but here's how we're fixing it." Because if they keep it quiet, the only ones releasing findings on the ride are the GP, who think the restraints click, and the ride ops laughed and smiled deviously as this poor woman begged for her life.
  8. I won't go as far as to accuse whoever did that interview of just wanting attention (she legitly might not know), but the newer coasters, like Texas Giant, don't click. You just push down. It'll be days likely before we know what happened. All we have now is people who think they know everything that happened and media that wants to be the first to report it.
  9. Thanks for the pictures Larry! The carousel looks beautiful, and so does that pizza! Also glad to see the redesigned Nathan's, looks like it should be able to move the line quicker than the old one, so that's always good as well.
  10. The positive thing to remember is that events like this are incredibly rare (no matter what caused the accident). That being said, it's still a tragedy and my heart and prayers go out to the woman's family.
  11. I'm on vacation in Rhode Island, done SFNE too many times now, and I'm looking for a new park. I can do either Lake Compounce or Canobie Lake Park. Distance isn't a factor. One's 2 hours, one is 1 hour 50 minutes from the house I'm staying at. Given the option to choose either/or (not sure if both is an option, so I'm planning for worst case scenario) which park would you choose, and if you could would you please say why? Thanks so much for your time!
  12. http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2013/07/02/structural-stability-in-doubt-at-coney-island-astrotower/
  13. I don't even... [youtu_be]http://youtu.be/fQl_aYNX1I8[/youtu_be]
  14. Good riddance! Hopefully the park can replace it with something better, but then again, it's not too hard to be better than Pirates 4D
  15. It depends on the people in your party. My family has 2 people who don't ride too much of anything, and I'm the only one who wants to ride everything. So books of tickets end up being a better option for the four of them, and I get the wristband. Bear in mind, the wristband doesn't cover everything. Black Diamond and Haunted Mansion (which is a MUST do) are both tickets only.
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