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Posts posted by coaster05

  1. GADV and for me it is not even close. GADV is a nicer looking park with the addition of the 2 new areas. GADV has a flume, the food at both places is not good, and I personally think the flats are a wash, because the 2 good ones CP has either are down or run 1/2 capacity. For flats I wouldn't go to either park.


    Even if you go just coasters, no other factor, no bias on location here is what I have.


    1. El Toro

    2. Nitro

    3. MF

    4. Maverick

    5. Medusa

    6. Raptor

    7. Superman

    8. Blue Streak

    9. By now for either park I am not that excited.

  2. I think the only debate is what should KI's '09 slogan be?


    "Come to KI....we suck just a little less now."


    "King's Island....not just a credit run anymore.....sort of."


    "Kings Island ride it before we ruin it like the Beast"


    This ride will probably get me back to KI in the next 5 years, but I will be stunned if I go next year. Heck, after my field trip with my student to Michigan's Adventure I am going to see how long I can go before visiting another CF park.

  3. Wow, this one may restore our faith in Cedar Fair, at least occasionally, to do the right thing. Instead of just slapping on a new sign, they saw it as an opportunity to improve upon the ride. Amazing!


    So let me see if I am right on this, and if I am wrong feel free to call me on it since I have not been to KI since last Spring. The crypt still has this creepy scary feel up until the actual ride, which seems like a good idea. Then you get into the main part and it is just an open room playing techno musice, so the theming up til then has no payoff. Then they reduce the capacity which is why they can run it more intense, or like most parks run this ride to begin with and somehow this will restore our faith in Cedar Fair. Unless I am missing something it just sounds almost exactly what I would expect from CF.

  4. Predator is the worst wooden coaster I have been on and the next closest is still twice as good. It was a combination of being rough and being massively boring. Huge dissapointment. I also have had no problem on any arrow after I started taking the front seat in any car. Once I got rid of the leg room problem I am able to ride pain free, especially if the don't staple me down. I will say as a generalization a lot of people seem to have No tolerance for any form of roughness. there are some coasters aon this site that I could ride for hours and people are talking about how rough they are.

  5. I had no problems with the "EVIL locker MONEY making machine" that some people claim it to be. Stuff in my pockets no questions asked, my wife even had a small hip sack type thing that they never mentioned either. Cyclone was still awesome and I just ride all coasters in back. As for flash passes i have never gotten them at any park unless I am with the Alveys. If you are going to be there all day you should be ok. Monster plantation is a must and have a great day. It is definately my favorite SF park.

  6. ^^ that is why he said to call first. If you call and talk to someone in guest services they would inform you if the park is reserved. In all my trips to parks this has happened to me ONCE. Then we bought extra tickets from the motorola people, they also gave us food vouchers and we spent all day waiting in 5 minute long lines at SFGAM. It was the best day I ever had at the park. This is not so big of a deal that this discussion should still be going on. It is important for parks to make money and if this work's for them keep it up.

  7. ^Six Flags gives out free water along with every park I have ever asked for other then Canobie Lake.


    Why would drop zone be down because of a different ride at a rival chain? That is CF fault, they made the choice.


    TR rethemed, changing a name is not retheming, unless I am missing something here.


    I did feel that KI was ran a little better on my visit, but it also wasn't a busy day, and i do feel that the park will eventually run better, but look a lot worse.

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