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Posts posted by tiger01

  1. The first time I rode Oblivion at Alton Towers. In the queue I was freaking out but when we got to the station I just got on and straped myself in quickly. Then we headed out to the lift and I must say it was much steeper than I expected it to be so I freaked out then. Then turning to the drop was okay but hanging over scares YOU SOO MUCH! We hanged there for a while then we were let go and it was one of the most thrilling experiences i've ever had! Good Times. I'll ride it easily now! maybe...

  2. Blackpool's train is good as you get close to the Big Dipper and it's quite scenic.

    I saw Pleasurewood Hills' training a few pages back, i've been on that. It's not amazing but it's good for little kids.

    Lappa Valley is a train park. No rollercoasters but the train that takes you to the park is beautiful!


    My favourite non-theme park train has to be the Dartmouth Steam Railway. It is absolutely stunning and beautiful! I might say I like it more than rollercoasters.

  3. Of what I have ridden...

    1- Megafobia. In the back, you get whiped into it and then you start your descent, Brace, and enjoy!

    2- The Grand National. Intense airtime on the double down and the accent back up is really steep.

    3- The Big Dipper - My first woodie. The first time I rode it, it scared the crap out of me. However it's a great fun ride!Although the first drop is not as good as the other two.

  4. Nemesis is the best rollercoaster in Britain. Although others do deserve a mention.

    Grand National- The airtime is crazy and the ride is pure fun!

    Pepsi Max Big One- It's the tallest coaster in the UK, and a really fun one too!

    Big Dipper- Total fun and an exelent ride.

    Rita- Such a fun ride and has some nice pops of airtime.

    Oblivion- An amazing experience.

    Th13teen- It's a revolutionary ride and is really fun.

    Stealth- An interesting ride but i've only ridden it once so I can't claim anything towards it.

    Colossuss- The rides great and the last 5 inversions are scary.


    Also, Megafobia is my second favourite coaster. Although it's Welsh, it deserves a mention!

  5. Who wants to help me blow up an ice-cream truck? That thing is in this neighborhood EVERY DAY playing the same 30 second song over and over again. And it usually sits in the same spot for up to an hour. I know the guy is just doing his job, but would it kill him to shut off the music if he's stationary? The poor guy is probably half insane now for having to listen that damn song.



  6. Megafobia has a great drop when your in the back!

    The Grand National at Blackpool tops for me since it goes straight into a double drop, AND YOUR RACING!

    I've been on Stealth once but I wasn't really taking much notice of the drop because I was having too much fun. As I recal though it felt soft.


    Rage, Speed, Saw are alright, although I prefer Rage out of them three.

    Dragon's Fury at Chessington has a great fun drop!

    The Pepsi max drop is alright.

    Megafobia wins it for me personally. It's the perfect balance between small and sweet and massive and scary

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