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Posts posted by tiger01

  1. ^ Thats an interesting concept! Just out of curiosity What gave you the feeling that B&M's should have larger spines?


    QR - Just because he showed us a pic of part of the coaster dosnt mean we can't be creative and make names for the rides. Here are some suggestings...

    Screaming Eagles

    Raging Raptors

    Pythurai (made up )

    Raging lion

    Not that amazing I admit but can spark new ideas and inspiration.

  2. PLEASE change the colors of that Intamin! It looks like poop (literally!) Otherwise this park is great, you've got some nice architecture and ideas that just need a little tweaking and renovating. Also, I would try and reduce use of Spice's Trees, they will kill your park if you continue with it. Use the in-game ones. Your graphics engine on your computer won't make them look all that different since your computer doesn't appear to have a great graphics card. But the difference will be MUCH more fluid gameplay.


    What should I recolour it too? Thanks for the tips on the trees. They shall be sorted! And thanks for all the great comments.


    Yes an Intamin Drop Tower. Just what the park needed in my opinion,but overall the park this is maybe your best park so far. Keep up the great work.


    Thank you soo much!






    Yes thats right! Marine World will be returning. And hopefully it will last longer this time! Thanks for all the support, that is what made me bring it back! Although there is a lot of work to be done before any proper resuming, I will update the park sometime soon!

  3. 5. People who talk about other theme parks whilst in a competitor theme park. Eg. Standing in Alton Towers and talking about how you prefer Thorpe Park


    It dosn't really matter. Alton Towers dont care since Thorpe park is their sister park since both are run by Merlin.

    So whichever theme park people go to they still get money. And they are the best in the country and most popular so people won't stop going.

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