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Posts posted by tiger01

  1. Here goes my opinion..


    I have only ridden three Wooden Rollecoasters. The grand national and the big dipper at Blackpool and Megafobia in Wales. I must say, Megafobia holds the best drop for me. It's a ridiculous headchooper and the airtime in the back is unreal! I love the first drop on the Grand National aswell. The double dip has so much airtime. However Megafobia beats it for me.

  2. In fact, what I'll do is buy my way into the governments of every nation, and abolish money. Lol.

    But wouldn't that be unfair to the people who have worked hard all their life and made such a profit. Trust me, money works!


    I would buy a nice house and buy cars, guitars and travel the world of all it's wonders and of course, Ride Rollercoasters!


    If only

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