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About Big-M

  • Birthday 01/21/1996

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  1. Hi everyone! It's been a long time since I have posted here, but there's a chance I'll have a pretty unique opportunity coming up, so thought I would log in to ask your opinion: There's a chance I might be able to visit Ferrari World on the way home from an upcoming business trip to India (I'm flying through Dubai and could potentially change my flight to give myself a full day there). I'm thinking of either spending the day exploring the city, or heading out to check out Ferrari World. I know a day is WAY to short to experience all Dubai has to offer, so I'm hoping to make a longer trip in the next few years. The thing is, I'm roughly 6' 5" (not sure my exact measurement), so would be right on the line of the 195 cm max height restriction for the roller coasters there. Do you all know how strictly those measurements are taken, if they include shoes, and how likely that would be to cause an issue? I have no problem at all fitting into MF or TTD, which have the same restraints as FR, so I think park policy would be the only issue. (Of course, I know nothing is guaranteed with record breaking Intamins) Thanks a ton for your help! I'm sure this will be a great trip whether I head to Ferrari World or not
  2. Of the rides I've been on in that style, KAWASEMI! But I can't vote for that...
  3. Intamin: Millennium Force B&M: Raptor Arrow: Gemini (probably- I'm not totally clear on that one) Vekoma: Mind Eraser (Elitch Gardens) CCI: Boulder Dash Gravity Group: Boardwalk Bullet Schwarzkopf: Wildcat (CP) Dinn: Mean Streak I visited Cedar Point a lot when I was little.
  4. According to RCDB, the riders are seated in-line, so 2 per car.
  5. Here's Mine: Favorite Wood Coaster Any Park Anywhere ** y n 1 -Boulder Dash Kawasemi Tobu Zoo JP y y 2 Bizarro SF New England MA y n 3 Maverick Cedar Point OH y n 4 Millennium Force Cedar Point OH y n 5 Diamondback Kings Island OH y n 6 Top Thrill Dragster Cedar Point OH y n 7 Nitro Six Flags Great Ad NJ y n 8 Magnum XL-200 Cedar Point OH y n 9 Bizarro Six Flags Great Ad NJ y n 9 Raptor Cedar Point OH y n 9 Mantis Cedar Point OH y n 10 Batman - Dark Knight SF New England MA y n 10 Wicked Twister Cedar Point OH y n 10 Gemini Cedar Point OH y n 10 Iron Dragon Cedar Point OH y n 11 Vortex Kings Island OH y n 11 Fav Half Pipe Any Park Anywhere ** y n 11 Fav Wild Mouse Any Park Anywhere ** y n 12 Fav Arrow Shuttle Any Park Anywhere ** y n 12 Fav Arrow Mine Train Any Park Anywhere ** y n 13 Fav Loop-Screw Any Park Anywhere ** y n 13 Fav Vek Susp Loop SLC Any Park Anywhere ** y n 14 Fav Vekoma Boomerang Any Park Anywhere ** y n 15
  6. Woohoo! I've been on 3 of the Top 5. Very happy to see Boulder Dash continuing to do so well.
  7. Here's mine: Boulder Dash Lake Compounce CT y, n, 1 My Favorite Steel Anypark Anywhere ** y, y, 2 -Kawasemi @ Tobu Zoo Phoenix Knoebel's PA y, n, 3 El Toro SFGAd NJ y, n, 4 Cyclone Lakeside CO y, y, 5 Boardwalk Bullet Kemah Boardwalk TX y, n, 6 The Beast Kings Island OH y, n, 7 Twister Knoebel's PA y, n, 8 Wild Mouse Luna Park-Sydney AU y, y, 8 Blue Streak Cedar Point OH y, n, 8 Thunderbolt SF New England MA y, n, 8 Mean Streak Cedar Point OH y, n, 9 Regina Tobu Zoo JP y, y, 9 Cyclone SF New England MA y, n 9 Cyclone Luna Park NY y, n, 10 Twister II Elitch Gardens CO y, n, 10 Wildcat Lake Compounce CT y, n 11
  8. Hey guys, I'm working on my ballot, and should have it done shortly, but I'm worrying about something. Last summer, I took a trip to both Tokyo, Japan and Sydney, Australia. My time was limited, and I wanted to do quite a bit of tourism that didn't involve roller coasters, so I decided to visit one park in each country (Tobu Zoo and Luna Park Sydney). The thing is, Kawasemi, Regina, and Wild Mouse are my only three international credits, and I'm not all that well traveled otherwise. I'm wondering what I need to do to make sure my ballot isn't thrown out. Advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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