I absolutely love the area that Terminator is in. I waited over an hour to ride it yesterday and its just as good as it was last time i went. Deja Vu just goes well next to a wooden coaster
^ True i guess i didn't think too far ahead
I was just saying that it seems a little bit tame and boring for a 305 foot tall coaster.
Edit: 100% agreed with lilj
I'm not quite sure what you are complaining about? Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and a lot of them just happen to not be super stoked about Intimidator305.
Something tells me its gonna be alot like Goliath at SFMM. Of course with that said, Goliath has a way better layout..etc. But i think its a waste of a drop if you have OTSR and when its followed by a turn.
Like I agree that KD really needs something new and exciting, but when your gonna make a coaster that tall, at least have a nice layout that's not all flat. Maybe SOME airtime hills is too much to ask for..
Edit: They could have at least not given it OTSR.
1) I own an Epiphone 1966 Silverburst Reissue SG Electric guitar
2) My home park is Knott's (ew) and DLR
3) I have a $130 gaming mouse
4) I secretly have a crush on Robb Alvey
5) I am wearing a Penguin Shirt.
I don't know why you guys are talking about the scenery. When I ride a coaster, I like the ride better than the scenery. But hey, that's me;) I agree with most these people, Scream is a good ride..if there's no line. I could go a day skipping it because really, its just a tame, sort of rough B&M.