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Everything posted by xxmat2

  1. Green Lantern looks cool! Hope you guys get ERT for it which is probably inevitable, Looking forward to the Superman one as well, and expect long wait times but all good! Whats the estimate of Green Lanterns wait time?
  2. Lego Land is geared for kids 3-12, I work at the one at Lego Land California and always notice the kids always have a great time, if you go in with a positive attitude and a opportunity to spend time with your kids Lego Land delivers, Definitely suggest getting the year passes, it pays after 2 visits and you get great benefits like bring a friend coupons once or twice a year, comps, free parking and such. Lego Land Florida seems like its going to have a small lineup but you can bet it will expand every year as the one in California does. Can't wait to go check it out!
  3. before I select my songs, when do we pick the song for the ride and will each seat have it set up so you cant hear the other persons song? if anyone knows let me know i'm interested. I'd say Country would have to be my first selection, grew up with it since I was a child. I'd go with livin in fast forward by Kenny as my first choice. honorable mentions for future selections... Stronger.. Devil Went Down to Georgia... Cant Touch This maybe Bad Girls in a no homo way hahaha cant wait to go to orlando to check it out in da future...
  4. thats cool a lesson learned is a lesson never failed again haha.
  5. the park looks like something i'd like to visit sometime, but it looks as if the people don't want to go haha, Lego Land has more people then that this time of year way more... Which is kinda sad haha.
  6. any chance of more tickets being available sometime? or is this pretty much locked up? if so how about about another event in the future to look forward too.
  7. I agree it does get boring riding over and over, even if it is the best ride, i'm not the type who likes doing that, like going on variety more then quanity but have rode desperado about 50 times in a row once when I was a pre teen cause that was the only roller coaster there and it was chill hanging with friends doing that. WILL ALSO NEVER DO THAT AGAIN lol
  8. woops waited 2 long, guess next time i'll know better lol ridin my 39th coaster today Giant Dipper at Belmont Park in San Diego, lived in SD all my life and still haven't rode it. shall be fun/.
  9. It would be cool if more coaster's get the X2 makeover in the next years, stop spending money on new coasters and start preserving older ones into cool themed rides that give peeps a reason to go back to them, or take them down and make space for newer ones. I say turn the Batman ride at SFMM into a Dark Knight themed ride of sorts and or Riddler's coaster into a re themed one as well themed to the Dark Knight sequel cause Riddler's rumored to be in it.
  10. Yes I will, cant wait for the next one haha, BTW for the angry people about the preloader, the line would be way longer if you got to sit where you wanted so be grateful they do that, and another good thing about preloading that it's like a trading card, you like the brand and keep going back to see what row you get, call row 1 or row 12 the limited edition card haha(I think it has 12 rows maybe 10 4got only went on once) gives you a reason to go back to the ride to try to get that better row, was lucky 2 get the last row first ride, enjoyable!
  11. its a complicated formula that would blind that who reads it.lol
  12. As much as I love the front row on X2, I understand and appreciate the assigned seating, as I think it has really helped throughput. With the new trains, I have had a decent ride whatever row I'm assigned to, so I don't mind the seat assignments as I used to. (Now if they would only do assigned seating on Tatsu-there's a ride that really is great no matter what row you end up in and it would really help the line move, I think!) In re the Terminator preshows-from what I can tell from watching the videos, I think they work great (I loved the line about Six Flags Magic Mountain changing hands several times!) I appreciate the fact that they are doing something to build the anticipation and to entertain those waiting in line (and indoors to boot, something that will likely be a relief in the Valencia heat in the summer). The ride looks awesome, and I really look forward to riding it. It looks to be another winner in what so far has seemed to be a slew of good new coasters opening this year. And from all I have seen, Terminator looks like it's going to cause Ghostrider to fall out of my top ten coasters and take its place in my #1 wooden coaster spot! pre loading is a line time saving matter, only problem is, theme parks love to save money and that means cutting the preloader unless it's craaaazy, I feel they can simply do what California Screamin does, and thats making the front row a longer gated area, and if requested they throw them in there, and seeing for other rides people like the back do the same for that area.. in general I say if a line gets over 30 minutes wait a preloader is necessary but overlooked...
  13. Well we arrive, holy crap the pre show people! it's a new show NOOO!!! couple peeps say charge the gates, some say riot, 99.9 percent of the crowd do not respond 2 the annoying corny pre show, for a park with a majority of extreme stuff, this is a kiddie pre show.. it was so non responsive they ask whos here for terminator? only one person responds. charge!!! sweet no one around, going to be one of the first... oooooh no people outside the line... maybe its still testing? wrong!! haha.. some people went this path as well hoping to beat the wait but I guess taking the orient express isn't very smart. (just missed it when we went to it, had to wait a few mins) that girl wasn't tall enough to ride and had to wait the whole line.. (shouldn't the employee's in the front do this? especially being a new ride they should have a height checker to speed up loading, cause they actually pull the kids off the train when they get in to check) pic after I rode of the front, they put up some barriers to keep people to the right I suppose, 90 minute wait when I entered the line (about 75 when I got off) surprising as they only run 2 trains, not sure if it's big or long enough for 3 in da future when they get a feel of how it goes... AS FOR MY REVIEW, i'll keep it short seeing this is already long enough. Overall 8.9/10 This is my new favorite woodie of course, (haven't been on that many as counter shows so that's easy to say) the pre show was above average, didn't expect it to be this way, after waiting in a 90 minute line which is totally appropriote for a hot summer day, as it drowns you with misty sprinkle godness lol. Some missing shade spots but line moves along rather well as long as the rides running. As for the Station, this was a epic fail in my book, looks kind of plain but whatever, got to ride the last row which i'm sure is the most intense for a woodie, was surprised that it wasn't GHOSTRIDER painful and ran smoothly with very cool out of your seats moments. As all of you will ride, dont get discouraged if the line is long, get in there ride this baby, GO GO GO ::RANDOM CHANTS:: wooooo Well hope you liked my ^ that lol let me know the pros and cons for da future ones I might do...
  14. if for some reason Terminator Salvation the Ride has a so called no wait, the answer is simply turning off the TV's and letting people through the area with the TV's off or on a loop so people can watch it. The preshow is part of the ride, it was made for it and it's probably going to be around for a bit, its like saying i'd like viper without the neck break. my review is coming in the next hour or so with a few random pics.. stay tuned!!
  15. Basically I got there 950ish no parking line which was surprised, got in the middle of the line to get into the park, took the orient express up then walked down the hill to the terminator ride (which is good but we just missed one and had to wait a few mins for the next) Queue was full and a 10 minute wait to get across the bridge, the wait was sort of entertaining, theming was cool and music videos were interesting, was hoping for a X2 approach to the wait screens with logos and clips or something, but maybe in the future, Pre Show amazed me, didnt think six flags had this in them, it was a tad bit long however but not voting for another line to skip it, would just confuse things, maybe only have it up on busy days? Not sure if this was covered but ALL the lines were long that day, TATSU had extended que out, X2's line was on da bridge, not sure about others but got the hint it'd be a busy day.. Seemed like Terminator had the 3rd longest line in the park but i'm guesing cause of tatsus and x2's laggy loading and didnt stay long enough to check it out again. Terminator was first ride and line seemed shorter when I got off, (wait was 90 minutes and there was down time (11:45ish) issues when we got done with phase 3 of pre show. No fire or mist during my trek and could of been due 2 it breaking down not so long before I rode. Well this was long i'll post my pics later of my trip, it was a Terminator Saturday as I did extra credit stuff for the hallibute. oh and ride thoughts!!!
  16. heading off, hopefully it's not a 8-9 wait but agree with u ^ its a regular style ride shouldn't be to slow loading which makes line tone down a bit, but havent seen the actual rides loading procedures, I will today, no more talk time for action!
  17. 8 to 9 hours?! woooow do you think making it the first ride of the day will make it shorter? then again i'm sure everyone at the front of the park will head that way right away haha. any stradegy to a shorter wait? short cuts to the ride or stuff? anyone even up right now?! lol
  18. oh my bad about the playing roles misunderstood. CSI seems intersting just never saw it last summer cause went with people who are only interested in da rides, Just now noticing theres more then rides... but tomorrow its all bout terminator! lol
  19. no it's a show with entertainers from the park or hired by the park, just like any other show like the batman begins show (which should of been transformed into a dark knight show!) not matt hoffmans snooze thang lol
  20. Is the show returning to SFMM this year? didn't catch it last time.. But do not see it in show guide so assuming not..
  21. oh sweet i'm new to this site what kind of event is this going to be? like a after park hours thing? who can go? etc DETAILS! lol
  22. is it time yet OMG lol, don't think i'll make it! better go to Disneyland tomorrow so the day goes by fast!! lol
  23. oh wow didnt look at to many pics but the pre show shit for the media day looked like it would of been fun to go to, how do I become media?! but maaan line looks good and ride looks pretty fun, cant wait! anyone know if this is ghost rider intense?
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