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About superlegostarwars

  • Birthday 09/20/1996

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  1. Am I the only one that likes this park? I would love to have to back open! I was a huge fan of both HRP and FMP, I love the music theme, and the cool rides and scenery.
  2. I was supposed to win a Bag of Crap almost two months ago... I won one on Facebook, but it never came in the mail.
  3. Six Flags Great Adventure in a week or two, possibly Hershey, and then back to my home parks Knott's Berry Farm and Six Flags Magic Mountain before the end of summer.
  4. When you said that the inversion was only the second of its kind I guess you meant the interlocking loops? I must've gotten confused, because loops weren't new at that time, considering the first loop was built four years earlier. Also, wouldn't the interlocking loops be two inversions? Even if you meant the batwing, it'd also be two, not one. In other words, would the interlocking loops or batwing just be an element not an inversion? I'm not trying to be a snob, I was just slightly thrown off by your clue. I still would have never guessed Orient Express, but I would've had better chances I guess. Am I at least making sense?
  5. Is it currently in operation? Is the park that it is located at currently in operation?
  6. Here's my entry, Hard Rock Coaster! It's inspired by Time Machine at Freestyle Music Park, and it's entirely handbuilt. As a little bonus, I added flanges and custom footers. In the POV, I added an audio soundtrack, but sadly there are no flanges or custom footers in the POV. Game Exchange: http://www.themeparkreview.com/game_exchange/track.php?id=2231 POV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXToY1JaxaA
  7. I pray that I get something just a little different than all of you..
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