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Posts posted by CGA_88

  1. The traditional bars on the Playland Coaster. No seat dividers, belts, high seat backs, or headrests! No complex mechanisms either, just locks by sliding into a metal slot on the floor of the train (hard to explain without picture) and opened manually by ride ops with levers on the outside of the train. Just plain old classic woodie feel and intense airtime! Best trains in my opinion.


    I kinda like Giovanola's hyper train like the ones used for Titan and Goliath. Atleast I can cross my legs unlike on B&M's I can't.


    How come cedar fair put seat-belts on all their arrow restraints? Is there an actually safety issue or just to make the capacity lower?


    They are IMO abit pointless especially the ones on Demon. Because it's retractable, it's pretty long. Infact it allows the OTSR to go all the way up, so it's pointless as a body size limiter and as a backup. The ride ops don't even bother checking them (atleast on Demon).


    The ones on CP's Corkscrew, they mounted them in the most inconvenient way possible. Like that: http://pointbuzz.com/Photos/Photo.aspx?id=2363&tag=corkscrew%7cseatbelt That could seriously chip someone's tooth or whip someone in the eye. I don't get why don't they just mount them the B&M or Vekoma way.


    ~ Jess "Excuse my B&M fandomness" Chan


    From what I understand, the seat belts are just visually checked on the Demon because the seats are too low for the operators to physically tug on (they would have to get on their knees to physically check the seat belts).

  2. Looks like the Nickelodeon and Hanna Barbera characters/merchandise/rides will be changed to the Peanuts for next year. There are signs outside of the stores selling Nickelodeon merchandise that selected items are 75% off. And all Hanna Barbera merchandise is 50% off at the store next to Delirium. Sad because kids these days don't know who Snoopy is. I would love to see the full return of the HB characters though.

  3. Well, I went to the park and the Flight Deck video booth is closed and the cameras on the back of the cars are missing and the computers on the desk from the Vortex photo booths are gone. And why would a park announce the removal of something so small and not of importance as on-ride pictures videos? Personally, I think on-ride pictures are a joke. The videos are alright, but every time I go on a ride that has pictures/videos, I don't even bother looking at them.

  4. And would anyone be able to tell me which rides have on ride photos for sale? Because I love buying ride photos to add to my growing collection.


    Flight Deck has videos

    Vortex has photos

    Psycho Mouse has photos

    Logger's Run has photos


    Demon and Invertigo used to have photos like 4 years ago, but not anymore.


    Not anymore. As of opening day, Flight Deck no longer sells videos, and Vortex no longer sells photos. The only rides that still do on-ride pictures is Psycho Mouse and Loggers Run. Taxi Jam did last year, but I'm not sure about this year.

  5. FireFall is painful, but the program it runs on is a lot better IMO than other Top Spins in the U.S., as long as the gondola is full. I personally like Flight Deck a lot better than the Batman clones. I just feel like it is more intense and is really unique. even though it is short.


    And definitely ride the flats, they do have a really good collection of old style flats (Orbit, Centrifuge, Berserker, etc.) and the "newer" ones (Drop Tower, FireFall, Delirium, Survivor, etc.) And they also have Flying Eagles, but I don't know whether to consider that old or new.

  6. Kind of long to read, but this is regarding the proposed coaster. It looks like it is closer to being a reality. It says on section 2C (which is page 18 of 24 on PDF) that the council approved the height variance. Also interesting is that they also submitted a different proposed location for the coaster before the current one.



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